Volume 38,Issue 10,2019 Table of Contents

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Investigation on Immunomodulatory Effect of Low Molecular Weight Seleno aminopolysaccharide on Acathopagrus Schlegelii by Spleen Metabonomics Analysis
  ZHOU Xiu-jin,ZHANG Jing,SHAO Hong-hong,XIANG Xing-wei,LENG Xiang-yang,YANG Hui-cheng
  2019,38(10):1155-1162 [Abstract(2334)]  [View PDF 1.27 M (1296)]
Study on Influencing Factor for Online Near Infrared Detection of Fiber Fabrics
  DU Yu-jun,LI Wen-xia,WANG Hua-ping,HAN Xi
  2019,38(10):1163-1170 [Abstract(2593)]  [View PDF 2.76 M (1267)]
Study on Size Distributions of Particulates and Their Associated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Indoor Burning Sources
  ZHANG Jian-hui,ZHANG Ning,LIN Zhao,WU Shui-ping
  2019,38(10):1171-1178 [Abstract(2231)]  [View PDF 1.37 M (1073)]
Non-directional Screening of Veterinary Drug Residues in Deep processed Lamb Products Based on Mass Spectrometry Fragmention
  JIA Wei,XU Xi,SHI Lin,HE Bo,FAN Cheng,CHU Xiao-gang
  2019,38(10):1179-1186 [Abstract(2207)]  [View PDF 1.08 M (1257)]
Development of a Novel Raman Hyperspectral Imaging Method for Non-directional Screening of Milk Powder Authenticity
  ZONG Jing,BU Han-ping,CHEN Da,CHEN Xiao-yu,BAO Lei
  2019,38(10):1187-1192 [Abstract(2173)]  [View PDF 1.61 M (1357)]
Determination of Oxytetracycline Using a Photoelectrochemical Aptamer Sensor Based on TiO2/Graphene Nanocomposites
  FENG Ying,XIE Fang,LIAO Fang-li,FENG Ke-jun,LIU Li-yuan
  2019,38(10):1193-1199 [Abstract(2205)]  [View PDF 3.13 M (1126)]
Label-free Detection of Hg2+ Using a “Turn-off”Fluorescent Sensor Based on Aptamer Functionalized Graphene Oxide
  YANG Mei,ZHANG He,LEI Xiang-ling,FU Xin,WANG Qing,ZHOU Ning-tao
  2019,38(10):1200-1206 [Abstract(2377)]  [View PDF 3.05 M (972)]
Determination of Cyromazine Residues in Vegetables Using a Fluorescence Probe with CdSe/CdS Quantum Dots
  TAN Hua-dong,ZHAO Shu-qiao,WU Chun-yuan
  2019,38(10):1207-1212 [Abstract(2051)]  [View PDF 1.57 M (1145)]
Simultaneous Determination of Residual Glycol Ethers and Their Acetates in Dyeing and Finishing Additives by Gas Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  WANG Cheng-yun,LI Bin,LIN Jun-feng,DING You-chao,XIE Tang-tang,CHENG Jing-yue
  2019,38(10):1213-1219 [Abstract(2242)]  [View PDF 683.41 K (1083)]
Construction of a Palladium Nanoparticles/Graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanosheets-Single walled Carbon Nanotubes Sensor and Its Application in Estradiol Detection
  ZHENG Zhi-xiang,WANG Mei,LI Jiang,GONG Xue,WANG Chun-ming
  2019,38(10):1220-1227 [Abstract(2266)]  [View PDF 4.29 M (1075)]
Preparation of Ti4+ Immobilized Silica Nanocomposites and Their Application in Separation and Enrichment of Phosphoproteins
  XIE Qing,HU Qiao-yun,ZHENG Qiong,LIN Zi-an
  2019,38(10):1228-1233 [Abstract(2314)]  [View PDF 4.12 M (1065)]
Preparation of Phosphorus-doped Carbon Dots and Their Application in Hyperin Detection
  LIU Li-zhen,LI Hai-hong,FENG Feng,MI Zhi
  2019,38(10):1234-1239 [Abstract(2076)]  [View PDF 4.97 M (1121)]
Structural Characterization and Antimicrobial Properties Evaluation of Double Quaternary Ammonium Salt
  SU Chang-ming,CUI Ben-hang,HOU Gui-ge,WANG Chun-hua
  2019,38(10):1240-1246 [Abstract(2058)]  [View PDF 3.09 M (975)]


Simultaneous Determination of 14 Macrolide Drugs Residues in Pork Samples by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry with Solid Phase Extraction
  WANG Yi-han,WANG Zhan-hua,CHEN Wan-qin,WANG Feng,LIU Zhu
  2019,38(10):1247-1253 [Abstract(2171)]  [View PDF 1.03 M (1133)]
Preparation of an Enzyme-free Ti3C2Tx/Au@Pt Nanoflowers Composite Sensor and Its Application in H2O2 Detection
  WANG Guang-xian,YAO Yao,CHU Guang-lei,ZHANG Hui,GUO Ye-min
  2019,38(10):1254-1259 [Abstract(2204)]  [View PDF 3.10 M (1012)]
Determination of Ethoxyquin in Fruits by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection
  YU Xiao-qin,LI Shu-cai,TANG Chang-yun
  2019,38(10):1260-1264 [Abstract(2090)]  [View PDF 607.51 K (985)]
Detection of Zinc Ion and Sulfion Using a Rhodamine B Hydrazide Fluorescent Probe Based on Sequential Response
  YANG Jun-qing,WU Fang-hui,LUO Xiang-rui,ZHU Hai-wei,YU Ai-min
  2019,38(10):1265-1269 [Abstract(2129)]  [View PDF 1.95 M (1179)]
Rapid Detection of Cr(Ⅲ) by Silver Nanoparticles Colorimetry
  CAO Jiang-fei,WEI Shou-lian,CHEN Miao-xin
  2019,38(10):1270-1274 [Abstract(2255)]  [View PDF 2.05 M (939)]
A Background Removing Method for Spectrum Signal Based on Iterative Wavelet Transform
  ZHAO Feng-kui,XU Xiao-mei,LV Li-ya
  2019,38(10):1275-1279 [Abstract(2269)]  [View PDF 1.38 M (1064)]


Advances in Detection Methods for Telomerase
  SUN Li-fang,YANG Hai-tang,WEI Wei
  2019,38(10):1280-1284 [Abstract(2169)]  [View PDF 523.34 K (1107)]