Volume 35,Issue 2,2016 Table of Contents

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Simultaneous Determination of 53 Kinds of Glucocorticoids Illegally Added in Facial Mask Cosmetics by Solid-phase Extraction with Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  LUO Hui-tai*,HUANG Xiao-lan,WU Hui-qin,ZHU Zhi-xin,HUANG Fang,LIN Xiao-shan,MA Ye-fen,DENG Xin,ZHOU Pei-cai,ZHANG Qiu-yan,JIAN Yan-ting
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):119-126 [Abstract(2660)]  [View PDF 1.14 M (1536)]
Advance on Pretreatment Methods for Cosmetic Samples Analysis
  ZHANG Yan-shu,LIN Zhen-hua,HU Yu-ling,LI Gong-ke*
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):127-136 [Abstract(2438)]  [View PDF 1.17 M (1421)]
Analysis of Serum Metabolic Characteristics in Patients with Gout Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  CHEN Jiao,ZHOU Jia,WEI Shuang-shuang,LI Hai-chang,WEN Cheng-ping*,XU Guo-wang*
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):137-142 [Abstract(2324)]  [View PDF 1.08 M (1361)]
Research Progress on Analytical Techniques for the Quality and Safety of Cosmetics
  MENG Xian-shuang,MA Qiang*,BAI Hua,LI Wen-tao,WANG Chao
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):143-155 [Abstract(2612)]  [View PDF 1.62 M (1572)]
Metabolic Response of Basal Ganglia in Copper-laden Rat to Gandouling Based on 1H NMR Spectroscopy
  JIANG Huai-hou,XU Jing-jing,DONG Ji-yang*
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):156-163 [Abstract(2395)]  [View PDF 3.18 M (1212)]
Identification of Four Active Constituents in Hair Growth Cosmetics by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
  XIE Wen-jian,XIONG Xiao-ting,XI Shao-feng,LI Hui-yong,TAN Jian-hua*,WANG Ji-cai,ZHAO Tian-tian,GUO Chang-hong
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):164-171 [Abstract(2349)]  [View PDF 1.97 M (1287)]
Applications of Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry in Traditional Chinese Medicine Metabonomics
  JIA Meng-qi,XUE Yun,WANG Yan,XIONG Ye-juan*,YAN Chao*
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):172-178 [Abstract(2842)]  [View PDF 3.32 M (1398)]
Screening of 12 Glucocorticoids in Cosmetics by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
  LI Qiang,ZHANG Xiao-guang,MA Jun-mei,LI Run-yan,FAN Su-fang,ZHANG Yan*
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):179-184 [Abstract(2486)]  [View PDF 768.59 K (1312)]
Progress on Determination of Harmful Substances in Cosmetics
  ZHU Li,LIU Yang,ZENG San-ping,WANG Wei-jiao,CHEN Ya-fei,YIN Li-hui*
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):185-193 [Abstract(2286)]  [View PDF 887.82 K (1417)]
Determination of Five Organophosphate Ester Metabolites in Surface Water Samples by LC-MS/MS
  LI Chuang-xiu,ZHAO Xiao-li,GAO Li-hong,SHI Ya-li,TAN Wei-qiang*,CAI Ya-qi*
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):194-199 [Abstract(2321)]  [View PDF 713.12 K (1434)]
Metabolomic Comparison of Serum Samples in Different Groups of SD Rats
  ZHANG Song,LI Zhen-yu*,QIN Xue-mei*
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):200-205 [Abstract(2365)]  [View PDF 1.95 M (1788)]


Determination of Ultraviolet Absorbers and Antioxidants in Plastic Food Packing Materials by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  CHEN Li-wei,WU Chu-sen,WANG Yi,WU Yu-luan*,WANG Li,DONG Hao,WANG Bin,LUO Hai-ying
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):206-212 [Abstract(2491)]  [View PDF 1.29 M (1468)]
Determination of 16 Perfluoroalkyl Acids in Textiles by HPLC-MS/MS
  ZHENG Jian-guo*,LIU Wei,ZHANG Zi-hao*,LIU Ying-feng,LI Quan-zhong,LI Dan,PENG Ying,ZHANG Zeng-qiang,ZHOU Ming-hui
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):213-218 [Abstract(2178)]  [View PDF 662.94 K (1650)]
Simultaneous Determination of 9 Kinds of Sedative Hypnotic Drugs in Health Foods Using UPLC-MS/MS and ESI Fragmentation Studies
  WANG Lu,LIU Cheng-yan*,WANG Zhi-jia,REN Xue-dong,YOU Hai-dan,XIONG Shuang,WU Dong-dong,TIAN Fu-lin
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):219-224 [Abstract(2333)]  [View PDF 895.26 K (1263)]
Determination of Piperlonguminine in Rat Serum Using Micelle Sensitized Fluorescence Spectrometry
  LING Xiao*,MIAO Shu,AODENG Gao-wa
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):225-228 [Abstract(2301)]  [View PDF 819.08 K (1265)]
Spectrofluorimetric Determination of Indole Phytohormones in Bean Sprout Using Three Phase Hollow Fiber-Liquid Phase Microextraction
  CHEN Lu, TURGHUN Muhammad*, MUNIRA Abuduani, SHIRALI Jappar
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):229-234 [Abstract(2415)]  [View PDF 737.98 K (1320)]
Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Geological Samples by ICP-MS Using Microwave Digestion
  WANG Pei-pei*,LI Xiao,SONG Wei-jiao
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):235-240 [Abstract(2358)]  [View PDF 853.04 K (1472)]
Acetylcholinesterase Biosensor Based on Pt/Carbon Spheres for the Detection of Dimethoate
  WU Li-na*,CAO Xi-zhong,CAI Jian-he
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):241-244 [Abstract(2347)]  [View PDF 650.52 K (1237)]
Determination of N-Nitrosamines in Rubber Sealing Material by SPME/GC-MS
  CAI Jin-an,LIU Zhi-jian,YUAN Jia-wei,PAN Yong-hong,YE Yuan-jian*
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):245-248 [Abstract(2473)]  [View PDF 571.78 K (1473)]


Application and Research of Graphene Oxide in Biomimetic Synthesis
  YAO Cheng-li*,JIN Tao,QI Chun-xia,ZHU Jin-miao,CHEN Chen,SHEN Yu-hua,XIE An-jian,LI Hong-ying
  Published 2月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(2):249-256 [Abstract(2260)]  [View PDF 6.70 M (1499)]