Volume 33,Issue 6,2014 Table of Contents

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Urine Metabonomics Study on Diabetes Patients by UPLC/Q-TOF MS
  MA Xiao-li,MENG Lei,LI Xin-xia,LI Lin-lin,WANG Ye,MAO Xin-min*
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):621-627 [Abstract(2445)]  [View PDF 2.88 M (1070)]
Determination of Carbaryl Residues in Rice and Its Environmental Soil by a Heterologous Indirect Competitive ELISA
  QU Qiao-yu,CHEN Shan-shan,LIU Xiao-wei*,ZHANG Qi,LI Pei-wu
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):628-634 [Abstract(2142)]  [View PDF 2.63 M (1171)]
Rapid Determination of Illegally Added 25 Hormones in Oral by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  HE Xiao-qin,XI Cun-xian,TANG Bo-bin,WANG Guo-min,PENG Tao,CHEN Dong-dong,MU Zhao-de*
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):635-641 [Abstract(2289)]  [View PDF 2.37 M (1087)]
Determination of Multi-pesticide Residues in Green Tea by Nano Bamboo Charcoal-dSPE/Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  ZHOU Li,LUO Feng-jian,ZHANG Xin-zhong,JIANG Ya-ping,LOU Zheng-yun,LIU Guang-ming,CHEN Zong-mao*
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):642-647 [Abstract(2183)]  [View PDF 2.28 M (1102)]
Simultaneous Determination of Bromoadiolone and Brodifacoum in Water by LC-MS/MS and Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction with Ionic Liquid [C4mim][PF6]
  CHEN Xiao-hong,WEI Xiao-qin,CAI Mei-qiang,ZHAO Yong-gang,PAN Sheng-dong,JIN Mi-cong*
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):648-652 [Abstract(2697)]  [View PDF 2.01 M (1014)]
Study on Biosensors for Paraoxon Based on Fe3O4-Au Magnetic Nanoparticles and Carbon Nanotubes Modified Electrodes
  XUE Rui,KANG Tian-fang*,ZHANG Jing-jing,LU Li-ping,CHENG Shui-yuan
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):653-659 [Abstract(2405)]  [View PDF 2.28 M (1016)]
Determination of Six Deoxynivalenols in Grain by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  LI Rui-yuan,LIU Hong-he*,KANG Li
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):660-665 [Abstract(2510)]  [View PDF 1.93 M (1215)]


Quantitative Analysis Method of Support Vector Machine Based on Discrete Fourier Transform
  WANG Sheng-hao*,LI Zhi,HU Rong,SONG Fu-sheng,WANG Yan
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):666-671 [Abstract(2256)]  [View PDF 3.33 M (896)]
Preparation and Application of Strong Anion Exchange Column Based on Hydrophilic Monodisperse Polymer Resins
  YANG Chun-xia*,GONG Bo-lin
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):672-677 [Abstract(2991)]  [View PDF 1.75 M (1024)]
Simultaneous Determination of Amantadine and Rimantadine Residues in Swine Urine by LC-MS/MS
  HU Li-fang,ZHANG Jin-yan,LUO Lin-guang*
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):678-682 [Abstract(2374)]  [View PDF 1.80 M (1253)]
Study and Application of Acid Orange Ⅱ Sensor Based on Molecularly Imprinted Electropolymerized Membrane
  WEI Shou-lian*,SU Xu-xian,WANG Hong-wu,YAN Zi-jun
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):683-687 [Abstract(2935)]  [View PDF 1.61 M (1180)]
Determination of Streptomycin and Dihydrostreptomycin Residues in Eel and Honey by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  ZHANG Wei ,SHENG Yong-gang,GU Shu-qing,DENG Xiao-jun*,CHEN Shun-sheng
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):688-692 [Abstract(2997)]  [View PDF 1.76 M (1047)]
Preparation and Application of Immunoaffinity Column for Ractopamine,Salbutamol and Clenbuterol
  YU Le,HUO Guang-hua*,FU Jin-hua
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):693-687 [Abstract(2289)]  [View PDF 1.53 M (1040)]
Simultaneous Determination of Nine Pesticide Residues in Vegetables,Fruit and Edible Fungi by Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  LUO Chong,WAN Kai,DING Chen-hong,DENG Yi-cai,WANG Fu-hua*
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):698-702 [Abstract(2627)]  [View PDF 1.87 M (1190)]
Separation and Characterization of Metallothionein-like Protein in Algae and Its Response to Zn and Cu Induced
  LI Jing-xi*,GAO Li-jie,CAO Wei,CHEN Jun-hui,WANG Jiang-tao,ZHENG Li,WANG Xiao-ru
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):703-708 [Abstract(2231)]  [View PDF 2.13 M (938)]
Resonance Rayleigh Scattering Spectral Detection of Kanamycin Using Gold Nanoparticles-Aptamer Complex
  CHEN Xiao-lan*,ZHANG Hui,LIU Bing,LI Yun-yu
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):709-713 [Abstract(3149)]  [View PDF 1.58 M (1129)]
Electroanalysis of Glutathione at Kaolin Modified Carbon Paste Electrode
  HUANG Ya-ting,HUANG Ying*,PAN Fang-fang
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):714-718 [Abstract(2174)]  [View PDF 1.75 M (1188)]


Determination of Chlorinated Phenols in Fungus by Gas Chromatography
  JIN Ye-mei,YANG Gong-jun*
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):719-723 [Abstract(2315)]  [View PDF 1.59 M (976)]
Determination of Tetrabromobisphenol A in Coatings by GC-MS Method
  WANG Yun-yu*,XU Zhi-qin,LI Dan,ZHENG Jian-guo,ZHOU Ming-hui,LIU Ying-feng,XIAO Qian,ZHONG Zhi-guang
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):724-727 [Abstract(2505)]  [View PDF 1.27 M (1002)]
Determination of Maleic Acid and Fumaric Acid in Starch Using Ion Chromatography with Ionic Liquid Stationary Phase
  GU Tong-nian,MA Xiao-han,ZHANG Ming-liang,CHEN Jia,QIU Hong-deng*
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):728-731 [Abstract(2343)]  [View PDF 1.31 M (1113)]


Progress of Sample Pretreatment Techniques in Detection of Pesticide Residues in Cereals,Oil Crops and Tea
  JIA Wei,CHU Xiao-gang*,LING Yun,FENG Feng
  Published 6月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(6):732-738 [Abstract(2520)]  [View PDF 2.70 M (1248)]