Volume 37,Issue 6,2018 Table of Contents

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Determination of Neonicotinoid Residues in Honey by Target Single Ion Monitoring/High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Combined with Salting-out Assisted Liquid-Liquid Extraction and PVPP Cleanup
  Lü Bing,XIN Shao-kun,CHEN Da-wei,ZHAO Yun-feng
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):639-645 [Abstract(2141)]  [View PDF 1.32 M (1131)]
Analysis of Ginsenosides in Different Processd Panax Quinquefoliums L-Roots by UPLC Orbitrap HRMS
  HUANG Xin,WANG Ni,ZHANG Yong,LI Shuai-ping,LIU Shu-ying
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):646-652 [Abstract(2132)]  [View PDF 672.22 K (1032)]
Determination of 48 Pesticide Residues in High-acidity Fruits by Gas Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Combined with Solid-phase Extraction
  ZHANG Bo-lun,PANG Guo-fang,FENG Chun,LI Jian-xun,WU Xing-qiang,HU Xue-yan,FAN Chun-lin
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):653-659 [Abstract(1837)]  [View PDF 750.58 K (951)]
Rapid Detection of 23 Plant Growth Regulators in Vegetables by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  QIU Shi-ting,HAN Mei,HOU Xue,GUO Ling-an,LEI Shao-rong,CHEN Qiao
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):660-668 [Abstract(1785)]  [View PDF 817.75 K (880)]
Determination of 6 Alkaloids in Cosmetics by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  WANG Chen-xia,ZHANG Rui-rui,XUN Zhi-qing,GUO Xin-dong,WANG Qiang,HUANG Jin-feng
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):669-675 [Abstract(1773)]  [View PDF 1.17 M (910)]
A Label-free Self-enhanced Electrochemiluminescence Immunosensor for Ultrasensitive Detection of Tetrodotoxin
  LIU Yuan,WANG Sui
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):676-681 [Abstract(1955)]  [View PDF 2.37 M (1042)]
Determination of Ginkgolic Acids in Ginkgo Biloba Extract Using Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography with Online Enrichment
  DU Xiao-di,LI Jun-sheng,GUO Li-ping,LEI Jia-heng
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):682-688 [Abstract(1787)]  [View PDF 1.01 M (868)]
Determination of Aflatoxin B1 by Lateral Flow Assay Based on Molecule Beacon/Fluorescent Microsphere
  ZHOU Zi-ming,XIE Cai-ling,ZHAO Bin,GUO Di
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):689-695 [Abstract(1961)]  [View PDF 2.03 M (1039)]


Determination of Aflatoxins in Feeds by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Quadrupole/Electrostatic Field Orbitrap High Resolution Mass Spectrometry with Online Solid Phase Extraction
  LIU Fei,REN An-shu,GE Ping,DING Nian-fang,NAREN Qi-qi-ge
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):696-701 [Abstract(2238)]  [View PDF 772.49 K (890)]
Simultaneous Determination of Choline,L-Carnitine,Taurine and Inositol in Infant Formula Milk Powder by HPLC-MS/MS
  HUANG Jin-feng,XUN Zhi-qing,WANG Chen-xia,GUO Xin-dong,XIAN Yan-ping,LU Yu jing,WU Yu-luan
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):702-707 [Abstract(2506)]  [View PDF 688.06 K (939)]
Analysis of Volatile Components in Cigarettes by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry with Dynamic Needle Trap
  LI Yuan-gen,WU Qiong-man,KOU Tian-shu,ZHAO Bin,ZHANG Yan-fang,HE Ai-min,SU Guo-sui
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):708-713 [Abstract(1785)]  [View PDF 1000.56 K (852)]
Determination of Hexabromocyclododecanes in Marine Organisms by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Coupled with LC-Si SPE Clean-up
  YAN Zhong-yong,ZHANG Xiao-jun,CHEN Xue-chang,FANG Yi,ZHANG Shuai,SUN Xiu-mei
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):714-718 [Abstract(2123)]  [View PDF 656.10 K (887)]
Determination of 16 Restricted Organotin Compounds in Textile Materials and Their Products by GC-MS
  MAI Xiao-xia,XU Jin-mei,ZHANG Zi-hao,LIU Ying-feng,LI Quan-zhong,ZHAI Cui-ping,XIAO Qian,ZHENG Jian-guo
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):719-723 [Abstract(1861)]  [View PDF 1.76 M (886)]
Detection of Ferric Iron Using Carbon Quantum Dots Synthesized with Taixi Coal as Carbon Source
  ZHANG Hui-jia,SHI Jing,JIN Xiao-yong,PENG Juan
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):724-728 [Abstract(1778)]  [View PDF 3.63 M (901)]
Rapid Determination of Three Fumonisins in Feeds by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry with Solid Phase Extraction
  WEI Yun-ji,FENG Min,HUANG Juan,ZHU Zhen-yi,HE Jian,SHEN Jin-rong,HE Zheng-he,QIN Xian,DING Tao
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):729-733 [Abstract(1654)]  [View PDF 723.76 K (828)]
Characterization on Copolymer Structure of Ethylene and Methyl Methacrylate by 1H NMR and 13C NMR
  ZHANG Dan-feng,YU Guo-cong
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):734-738 [Abstract(2537)]  [View PDF 534.51 K (876)]
Study on a Fluorescent Method for Detection of Iodine Based on Gold Nanoclusters
  CAO Xue-ling,ZHANG Dong-jie,LI Xin,REN Zhong-yuan,LIAN Li-li
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):739-743 [Abstract(2017)]  [View PDF 1.73 M (921)]


Rapid Determination of Benzene in Water Samples Using High Field Asymmetrical Waveform Ion Migration Spectrometry
  SHI Hai-xia,XU Qing,YU Jian-wen,HU Jun,CHEN Chi-lai
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):744-748 [Abstract(1941)]  [View PDF 1.20 M (771)]
Detection of H2S Gas in Oil and Gas Fields by Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy with PEI Solution
  TANG Dong-lin,ZHANG Qi,KE Zhi-jun,WANG Qiao
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):749-753 [Abstract(2253)]  [View PDF 1.17 M (1102)]
Determination of Hydroxylamine Residues in Candesartan Cilexetil Drugs by Ion Chromatography with Electrochemical Detection
  ZHOU Chang-peng,LIU Min,LI Da-shuan,MA Lei,XU Jie
  Published 6月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(6):754-758 [Abstract(1884)]  [View PDF 591.75 K (877)]