Volume 32,Issue 7,2013 Table of Contents

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Combine UV and SDS-PAGE to Monitor and Optimize of Carbodiimide Coupling Method for Preparing Peptide Immunogen
  侯利平, 傅海媛,陶亚岚,黄亚娟,孙云波,宋纯艳,夏云飞,杨保安,韩治国,肖汉族,郑俊杰, 甄蓓, 魏开华
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):783-788 [Abstract(2471)]  [View PDF 1.95 M (1239)]
Determination of β-Agonists and Chloramphenicol Residues in Pork by Subcritical Water Extraction and Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):789-795 [Abstract(2579)]  [View PDF 3.04 M (1289)]
Determination of Saturated and Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Petroleum with SiO2/C3-CN Composite Solid Phase Extraction Cartridges
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):796-802 [Abstract(2469)]  [View PDF 1.85 M (1397)]
Effect of Different Water Cluster Structure Zn(NO3)2 Dilute Aqueous Solution on Conformation of Bovine Serum Albumin
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):803-809 [Abstract(2464)]  [View PDF 3.01 M (1092)]
Determination of Alkyphenol Ethoxylates in Detergent Products and Cosmetics with Quantitative Model Based on Fluorescence Molar Absorption Coefficient
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):810-816 [Abstract(2639)]  [View PDF 2.10 M (1234)]
Electrochemiluminescence Based on Ionic Liquid/Silica Sol/Nafion-Tris(2,2′-bipyridine)ruthenium(Ⅱ) Film Modified Gold Electrode and Its Analytical Application
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):817-822 [Abstract(3195)]  [View PDF 1.89 M (1141)]
Analysis of Phthalate Esters in Lotion by Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Based on Solidification of Floating Organic Droplets Combined with Gas Chromatography
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):823-828 [Abstract(2760)]  [View PDF 1.92 M (1350)]
Determination of Carbon Tetrachloride in Refined Titanium Tetrachloride
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):829-833 [Abstract(2682)]  [View PDF 1.75 M (1111)]


Determination of Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride in Swine Urine by Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction/Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):834-839 [Abstract(3055)]  [View PDF 1.77 M (1474)]
Determination of Malachite Green by Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Quenching Method Based on CdTe/ZnS Dots
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):840-845 [Abstract(2681)]  [View PDF 1.84 M (1379)]
Research of Sulfur-containing Terpyridine Derivatives by Electrospray Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry with Direct Injection
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):846-850 [Abstract(2549)]  [View PDF 1.42 M (1246)]
Filtration of Released Components in Cigarette Mainstream Smoke by Applying Graphene Oxide Modified Activated Carbon Fiber
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):851-855 [Abstract(2824)]  [View PDF 1.70 M (1311)]
Study on Thermal Stability and Decomposition Kinetics of Gallic Aldehyde by Thermal Analysis
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):856-861 [Abstract(2649)]  [View PDF 1.78 M (1124)]
Determination of Eleven Perfluorinated Compounds in Meat by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):862-866 [Abstract(2848)]  [View PDF 1.73 M (1239)]
Study on Determination of Dopamine by Resonance Light Scattering Method and Its Analytical Application
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):867-871 [Abstract(2401)]  [View PDF 1.56 M (1142)]
Glucose Biosensor Based on the Chitosan /Glutathione Composite Film
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):872-876 [Abstract(2605)]  [View PDF 1.49 M (1220)]
Determination of Conjugated Linoleic Acid in Sesame Using Hollow Fiber Two phase Liquid Phase Microextraction
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):877-881 [Abstract(2315)]  [View PDF 1.45 M (1172)]
Determination of Ferulic Acid by Luminol-H2O2-Silver Nanoparticles Chemiluminescence System
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):882-885 [Abstract(2927)]  [View PDF 1.26 M (1163)]
Determination of Corticosterone and Hydrocortisone in Human Serum by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):886-889 [Abstract(2275)]  [View PDF 1.48 M (1350)]


Rapid Determination of Melamine in Milk Power and Milk Based on Jet Type Electrochemiluminescence Flow System
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):890-893 [Abstract(2447)]  [View PDF 1.37 M (1167)]
Determination of Thioctic Acid Tablets and Their Degradation Products by HPLC
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):894-897 [Abstract(2753)]  [View PDF 1.55 M (1232)]
Structural Optimization Design and Simulation of Microreactor
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):898-900 [Abstract(2355)]  [View PDF 1005.06 K (1265)]


Progress on Certified Technique for Chemical Purity of Organic Reference Material
  马康 ,苏福海,王海峰,赵敏
  Published 7月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(7):901-908 [Abstract(2910)]  [View PDF 2.84 M (1299)]