Volume 35,Issue 8,2016 Table of Contents

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Preparation of Monodisperse Molecularly Imprinted Shell Based on Silica Microsphere Surface for Specific Recognition and Determination of Dibenzyl Phthalate in Food Packaging Materials
  XU Wei-wei,LONG Ze-rong*,LU Yi,WANG Ji-de*
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):929-936 [Abstract(2936)]  [View PDF 818.06 K (1429)]
Rapid Detection and Conformation of 21 Illegal Chemical Drugs in Antihyertension Traditional Chinese Medicine and Healthy Food
  CHEN Lin,WEN Jia-xin,QI Chun-yan,LEI Yi*,ZHANG Rong*
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):937-942 [Abstract(2218)]  [View PDF 611.35 K (1197)]
Simultaneous Determination of 2-Methylimidazole and 4-Methylimidazole in Various Foods by Ultrahigh Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  PANG Mei-rong,LIN Qin,DAI Ming,REN Xiao-ying,ZHANG Ying*
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):943-948 [Abstract(2388)]  [View PDF 540.96 K (1213)]
Research on Development of Dopamine Fluorescence Detection Method Based on CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots
  SHEN Chen-fan,ZHANG Zhi-feng,GUO Yu-an,YAN Gui-qin*
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):949-954 [Abstract(2198)]  [View PDF 595.65 K (1044)]
Migration of Antioxidant and Plasticizer from Paper Packaging Material into Dry Food Simulant Tenax TA
  HAN Wei,YU Yan-jun,ZHAO Qing,LI Ning-tao,WANG Li-bing*
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):955-961 [Abstract(2278)]  [View PDF 691.40 K (1252)]
Preparation of Indole-3-acetic Acid-imprinted Polymer Particulates by Precipitation Polymerization and Their Application in Solid Phase Extraction
  ZHANG Tie-li*,HE Cai-xia,WANG Lei
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):962-967 [Abstract(2688)]  [View PDF 642.43 K (1193)]
Determination of 16 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Tobacco(NicotianaTabacum L.) by Four-channel Chromatograph Purification Coupled with Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  MA Jun,TENG Ying,LU Yin-gang*,GAN Xin-hong,REN Wen-jie,MA Wen-ting
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):968-973 [Abstract(2168)]  [View PDF 549.31 K (1037)]
Simultaneous Determination of 18 Phenols Pollutants in Water Samples by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  LUO Bi-rong*,QIAN Shu,PAN Le-dan,XIONG Jie,ZHAO Yun-zhi
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):974-980 [Abstract(2072)]  [View PDF 635.98 K (1220)]
Fabrication of Graphene Oxide@SiO2 as Stationary Phase and Its Application in Determination of Melamine in Food Samples
  ZHANG Yao-qin,AI Lian-feng,WANG Man-man,WANG Xue-sheng*,LIU Shan,HOU Ning
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):981-986 [Abstract(2114)]  [View PDF 611.86 K (1057)]


Determination of Three Restricted Flavor Additives in Cigarettes by Solid phase Extraction with Gas Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  ZHENG Yang,XU Xiu-li,JI Shun-li,YUAN Fei,HUANG Zhi-qiang,YANG Bing-cheng*,ZHANG Feng*
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):987-992 [Abstract(2215)]  [View PDF 649.89 K (1168)]
Aluminum Doped Surface Imprinted Polymer Modified Electrode for Determination of Ronidazole Residue in Food
  ZHAO Hai-qing,JIANG Meng-yin,FENG Ying-ying,WU An-le,ZHAN Xiao-zhu,DENG Jian*
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):993-998 [Abstract(2753)]  [View PDF 683.72 K (1217)]
Determination of Ultra-trace 2-Chlorovinylarsonic Acid in Urine by SPME/GC-MS after Derivatization with 3,4-Dimercaptotoluene
  WU Ji-na1,LIU Shi-lei*,YANG Yang,LIANG Long-hui,LIU Jing-quan
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):999-1004 [Abstract(2242)]  [View PDF 611.07 K (1036)]
Analysis of Volatile Flavor Components in Tobacco Chewing Gum by Headspace/GC-MS
  HAN Jing-mei,TANG Jian-guo,YUAN Da-lin,WANG Qing-hua,ZHANG Tao,LEI Ping,ZHENG Xu-dong,WU Yi-qin,ZHANG Feng-mei,CHEN Yong-kuan*
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):1005-1009 [Abstract(2128)]  [View PDF 491.40 K (1093)]
Determination of Nine Kinds of Cooling Agents in Daily Necessities and Foods by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  LIN Chen,WANG Li-ping*,WU Ling-tao,CAI Da-chuan,ZHANG Fang-yuan,LIN Ze-peng,FANG Li,LI Xue-ying,ZHANG Zhi-jun
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):1010-1014 [Abstract(2286)]  [View PDF 474.85 K (1198)]
Quantitative Analysis of Lead in Soybean Oil by Double Pulse Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Multivariate Calibration Method
  WU Yi-qing,OUYANG Jing-yi,SUN Tong*,MO Xin-xin,LIU Jin,LIU Mu-hua
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):1015-1020 [Abstract(2265)]  [View PDF 615.75 K (1025)]
Determination of 31 Organophosphorous Pesticide Residues in Fruits by Gas Chromatography with QuEChERS Sample Preparation
  XU Guo-feng,NIE Ji-yun*,LI Hai-fei,YAN Zhen,LI Jing
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):1021-1025 [Abstract(2195)]  [View PDF 510.74 K (1155)]
Identification of Tris(2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl) Phosphate in Petroleum Aromatics by FT-ICR MS with Multiple Ionization Techniques
  ZHANG Ya-he*,LIAO Jing,LU Hong,REN Li-min,GUO Shao-hui,XU Chun-ming,SHI Quan
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):1026-1030 [Abstract(2379)]  [View PDF 514.72 K (1187)]
Identification of Authentic Grape Juice Adulteration Using Elemental Analysis-Carbon Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
  TAN Meng-ru,FEI Xiao-qing*,WU Bin,SHEN Chong-yu,ZHANG Rui,DING Tao,LIU Yun,YANG Gong-jun*
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):1031-1035 [Abstract(2113)]  [View PDF 525.63 K (1192)]
Determination of 19 Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Environmental Sludge Samples by Microwave-assisted Micro-solid Phase Extraction Combined with Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  ZHANG Yan,JIANG Zhi-bin,JIAO Zhe*,Lü Si-hao,FAN Hong-bo,HUANG Wei-qing
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):1036-1040 [Abstract(2255)]  [View PDF 494.50 K (1074)]
Determination of Sterigmatocystin in Rice and Millet by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  ZHAO Ya-rong,SHI Jie-ping,HUANG Jian-xiang,WANG Fu-hua*
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):1041-1045 [Abstract(2181)]  [View PDF 547.46 K (1169)]
Synthesis of a Fluorescent Probe and Its Application in Thiols Determination
  CHEN Song*,WANG Jing,HOU Peng,LIU Lei,WANG Xin
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):1046-1049 [Abstract(2293)]  [View PDF 466.87 K (1081)]


Gold-sputtered Plate-type Glass Electrode for Determination of Chromium(Ⅵ)
  WANG Wan,LI Hai-yu,WANG Zhi-juan,Lü Qing,ZHANG Qing*
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):1050-1053 [Abstract(2143)]  [View PDF 461.96 K (1101)]
Label-free Aptamer-based Fluorescent Detection of Thrombin
  GUI Li-li*
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):1054-1057 [Abstract(2310)]  [View PDF 403.53 K (1058)]
Application of Infrared Spectroscopy Method in Diagnosis on Potential Fault of Damaged Silicon Insulator in SF6 Electrical Equipment
  YANG Ren*,WANG Jin-xing,LEI Yong-qian,GAO Chao,ZHANG Wan-jun,YANG Ding-ge
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):1058-1061 [Abstract(2211)]  [View PDF 475.64 K (1067)]


A Review on the Fabrication of SERS-active Substrates Based on Core-shell Nanoparticles
  WEN Hai-bin,HU Yu-ling*,LI Gong-ke*
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):1062-1070 [Abstract(2250)]  [View PDF 799.38 K (1181)]
Progress on Analysis Methods for Nitroaromatic Pollutants in Water Matrix
  WEI En-qi,LI Li-rong*,WU Yu-feng,LIU Kun,CUI Lian-xi,ZHANG Zhao-yuan,WANG Jing,WANG Yan-li,WANG Xiao-guo
  Published 8月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(8):1071-1078 [Abstract(2475)]  [View PDF 873.59 K (1099)]