Application of Wavelength Selection-Direct Standardization Algorithm to Calibration Transfer of Near Infrared Analysis
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KeyWord:near infrared  calibration transfer  wavelength selection  direct standardization  jet fuel
WANG Juxiang1,LI Hua2,XING Zhina1,GUO Hengguang2 1.海军航空工程学院飞行器工程系;2.海军航空工程学院研究生管理大队
Hits: 2705
Download times: 2020
      In this paper,a wavelength selection-direct standardization(WSDS) algorithm was proposed for calibration transfer of NIR model.The WSDS is one of the modifications of direct standardization(DS).In WSDS,only the wavelengths which were highly correlated with the sample property were selected for correcting the variations of the instrumental responses of two different NIR spectrometers.The corrected spectroscopic data were then used to build the model for analysis.The application of WSDS algorithm to calibration transfer of NIR analysis was evaluated by analyzing the jet fuel with different NIR spectrometers.The results showed that after the WSDS correction,the squared error of prediction(SEP) of the density of jet fuel decreased from 0004 6 to 0001 2 and that of the viscosity(20 ℃) of jet fuel decreased from 0058 6 to 0020 9.The results showed that this method can well correct the difference between instruments and improve the analytical accuracy.The corrected results,obtained by WSDS,direct standardization(DS) and piecewise direct standardization(PDS),respectively,for jet fuel with different NIR spectrometers indicated that the former gave the best analytical accuracy.