NMR Analysis of Interaction Mechanism between Mustard Gas and SDS
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KeyWord:NMR  mustard  surfactant  interaction mechanism
袁铃,刘石磊,习海玲,杨迪 防化研究院
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      The interaction between mustard gas(HD) and sodium dodecylsulfate(SDS) was analyzed by NMR information,e.g.chemical shift,diffusion,relaxation and the nuclear overhauser effect(NOE).The chemical shift results indicated that HD was located around H4,H3 and H5 of SDS,and the hydrolysates of HD were near with H5.The ratios of spin-spin relaxation(T2) to spin-lattice relaxation(T1) of H4 and H5 increased after adding HD,indicating that the SDS micelle became loose and the hydrolysates of HD were located around H4 and H5.The ratio of self diffusion coefficient of D2O to SDS(Dw/Ds) increased from 12.03 to 18.12 after adding HD,indicating that the volume of SDS micelle was 1.5 times as big as that before adding HD.The two dimensional rotating frame nuclear overhauser enhancement spectroscopy(2D ROESY) experimental results showed that the hydrophobic chain of SDS became more curled after adding HD,and H8 of thiodiglycol was near by H5 of SDS.The kinetics parameters indicated that the reaction mechanism of HD in D2O was similar as that in SDS solution,but the rate constant of HD in SDS solution was at least 2 times faster than that in D2O.