A Novel Method for the Identification of Gutter Oils Using SPME/GC-MS
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KeyWord:Solid-phase microextraction(SPME)  gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)  gutter oils  novel detection method  characteristic substance  identification
吴惠勤,黄晓兰,陈江韩,朱志鑫,林晓珊,黄芳,马叶芬,罗辉泰,邓欣 中国广州分析测试中心广东省分析测试技术公共实验室
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      Chemical composition of the endogenous and exogenous substance in oils were investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) and solid-phase microextraction (SPME).The results indicated that pure peanut oils and soybean oil contain no trans-fatty acids,which(trans-C18∶1,trans-C18∶2)can be detected in gutter oil.At the same time,some impurities such as n-hexaldehyde,n-nonaldehyde and n-decaldehyde were detected in pure peanut oils and soybean oil,while other substances such as acetic acid,3-butenenitrile and 2,5-dimethylpyrazine can be found in gutter oils besides the above aldehydes.The existence of the endogenous and exogenous substance in oils can be used to confirm weather the oils are recycled or not,therefore a new method for the identification of gutter oils using SPME/GC-MS was established.This method can not only be used in the distinguishment of gutter oils and edible oils,but also the detection of oil adulteration.