Synthesis of β-Cyclodextrin Derivative with Allyl and Methyl on the 3-Positions and Its Capillary Gas Chromatographic Properties
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KeyWord:capillary gas chromatography  β-cyclodextrin derivative  chiral separation
申刚义,杨新玲,凌云 1.中央民族大学中国少数民族传统医学研究院中国少数民族传统医学国家民委—教育部重点实验室;2.中国农业大学应用化学系
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      A new β-cyclodextrin(β-CD) derivative,2,6-di-O-pentyl-3-O-[(methyl)5 (allyl)2]-β-CD was synthesized.The chromatographic properties of this β-CD derivative were examined and studied by using as a chiral stationary phase in capillary gas chromatography,which showed a good separation ability and a chiral selectivity.Nine kinds of aromatic positional isomers were successfully separated with good resolutions,and parts of their separation results were better than that of 2,6-di-O-pentyl-3-O-allyl-β-CD and other β-CD derivatives.And meanwhile,more than ten kinds of chiral compounds were also determined on this stationary phase.Especially,the separations of some propanoic acid esters with α-substitute were better than those on heterocyclic β-CD derivatives reported in the literature.However,the experimental results showed the chiral separation ability of this stationary phase was still similar to the 2,6-di-O-pentyl-3-O-allyl-β-CD by comparison.It indicated that the introduction of methyl to the part of C3-OH positions may improve the selectivity to aromatic positional isomers,but could not affect obviously the chiral separation ability of the β-CD derivative modified allyl groups on the whole of the C3-OH positions.