Determination of MTBE in Gasoline by Raman Spectroscopy Combined with Baseline Correction Method
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KeyWord:Raman spectroscopy  MTBE  baseline correction  airPLS  chemometrics
房承宣,李建华,梁逸曾 1.开滦煤化工研发中心;2.中南大学化学化工学院
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      Raman spectroscopy as a rapid,non-destructively testing technique has been widely used in many fields.In this study,49 spectra of gasoline samples were collected with portable Raman spectrometer.Adaptive iteratively reweighted penalized least squares was employed to remove the strong fluorescence background of the spectra.The partial least squares(PLS) calibration model was established in the optimal conditions to predict the content of MTBE.Correlation coefficient,fitting error of training set samples and correlation coefficient,prediction error of test set samples were used to evaluate the quality of the model.The best model showed the satisfactory predictions for the four values mentioned above:0.996 0,0.316 1 and 0.996 6,0.490 1.The results showed that the method was suitable for the fast and reliable determination of the MTBE in gasoline.