Determination of Inorganic Anions in Ink Dye by On-line Removing Matrix-Ion Chromatography
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KeyWord:ion chromatography  ink dye  chloride  sulfate  on line removing matrix method
胡忠阳,叶明立,潘广文,张婷婷 戴安中国有限公司应用研究中心
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      An on-line removing matrix method with pre-concentration of the analytes was developed for the simultaneous determination of impurity anions(e.g.chloride,sulfate) in ink dye by ion chromatography(IC).The sample was diluted with de-ionized water,filtrated by 0.22 μm nylon membrane and then injected into the IC system directly without any further pretreatment.The sample solution in the loop was delivered by de-ionized water,and then filtrated on line by DIONEX OnGuard II P column and IonPac NG1 column for pre-removing of dyestuff and hydrophobic components.The analytes flowing out in the dead time were concentrated in the high capacity anion-exchange guard column IonPac AG11-HC.The concentrator then stepped in the IC system when the valve switched to injection mode.The chloride and sulfate were separated on a DIONEX IonPac AS23(4 mm×250 mm) column by using 4.5 mmol/L Na2CO3 -0.8 mmol/L NaHCO3 as the eluent at a flow rate of 1.2 mL/min.The analytes were detected with a Dionex DS6 conductive detector and quantitively analyzed by the external standard method.The results indicated that the linear ranges of Cl-and SO2-4 were 0.05-5.0 mg/L(r=0.999 8) and 0.1-10 mg/L(r=0.999 7),respectively.The average recoveries were in the range of 94%-103% with relative standard deviations(RSDs) no more than 1.0%.The detection limits(S/N=3) were 0.02 mg/L for Cl- and 0.05 mg/L for SO2-4.The method was applied in the determination of chloride and sulfate in ink dye samples with satisfactory results.