Development Progress of Immobilized Chiral Stationary Phases Based on Polysaccharide Derivatives
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KeyWord:polysaccharide derivatives  chiral stationary phases  immobilization  development progress  review
金召磊,汪一波,高建荣,潘富友,唐守万 1.浙江工业大学化学工程与材料学院;2.台州学院医药化工学院
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      With their high chiral recognition to a broad range of chiral compounds,polysaccharide derivatives based chiral stationary phases(CSPs) have been regarded as the most powerful CSPs in the direct resolution of enantiomers by HPLC.Since there are no chemical linkages between the polysaccharide derivatives and the supports,the coating-type CSPs exhibit some disadvantages such like poor solvent durability and rather limited mobile phase selection.With broadened mobile phase selection and improved stability,immobilizing-type polysaccharide-based CSPs overcome the disadvantages of the coated ones,and have become the hot topics in chiral separation in recent years. In this paper,five immobilization methods of the polysaccharide based CSPs,including the bifunctional reagent method,chemical bonding of the amylose derivative via an activated chain end,radical polymerization,photoirradiation and intermolecular polycondensation,were introduced and compared,Furthermore,the further developments of those CSPs are prospected.