Effect of Argon Ion Bombardment on Copper Oxide Studied by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
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KeyWord:CuO  argon ion bombardment  X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS)  reducti
李晓莉,谢方艳,龚力,张卫红,于晓龙, 陈建 1.海南大学材料与化工学院;2.中山大学测试中心
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      Effect of argon ion bombardment on copper oxide was investigated by in situ X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy(XPS).It turned out that CuO can be reduced under extremely weak argon ion beam condition.At the initial stage of the whole bombardment process,Cu2p XPS spectra and CuLMM Auger spectra changed drastically.The final chemical state is the coexistence state of CuO and Cu2O with a small amount of Cu by analyzing Cu2p and CuLMM Auger peaks.The important reference values were obtained for the determination of the chemical states in the depth analysis of copper oxide.