Fabrication and Properties of Sensor Based on Fluorescence Quenching for DNA Detection
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KeyWord:polypyridyl Ru(Ⅱ) complex  fluorescence quenching  fiber optic DNA sensor  lock-in amplifier
LI Ming-tian,YANG Rui-song,FU Qing-shan,HUANG Jun 1.四川理工学院材料与化学工程学院;2.材料腐蚀与防护四川省重点实验室 ;3.武汉理工大学光纤传感技术与信息处理教育部重点实验室
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      A fiber optic sensor for DNA detection based on fluorescence quenching was fabricated,using [Ru(bipy)2DAFND](ClO4)2 (Ru-DAFND,bipy=2,2′-bipyridine,DAFND=4,5-diazafluorene-9-p-nitrophenylhydrazone) embedded in sol-gel membrane as indicator for the optic sensing membrane.The membrane fixed on the sensor head was prepared by ethyl silicate hydrolysis using Ru-DAFND as fluorescence indicator,formamide as drying agent,and HCl as catalyst.The sensor was designed by using lock-in amplifier for signal measurement to detect ctDNA concentration.The results indicated that a linear relationship between relative phase delay (Δφ) of sensing membrane and DNA concentration was observed in the range of 2.6×10-8-5.4×10-6 mol/L in Tris buffer (pH 7.1),with a detection limit of 8.4×10-9 mol/L.The response time of senor was 70 s.The effects of solution pH value and foreign interferences to the performance of the sensor were investigated,and the results showed good stability and repeatability.