Classification of Edible Vegetable Oils and Discrimination of Catering Waste Oils by LF-NMR Combined with Chemometrics Method
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KeyWord:low-field nuclear magnetic resonance(LF-NMR)  edible oil  catering waste oil  principal component analysis(PCA)  cluster analysis(CA)
MAO Rui,WANG Xin,SHI Ran 1.上海理工大学医疗器械与食品学院;2.中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院
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      To establish an effective analysis method for evaluating the quality of edible oil is of great significance to ensure the safety of edible oil market.Principal component analysis(PCA)and cluster analysis(CA)were used to analyze the low field nuclear magnetic resonance(LF-NMR) T2 relaxation characteristics of 9 kinds of normal edible oil and 100 catering waste oil samples.The results indicated that good classification of refined edible oil according to their vegetable types could be achieved by PCA,and the distributions of different vegetable oils on the PCA plot have clear boundaries.While for the discrimination of authentic vegetable oil and the catering waste oil,good identification results could be achieved by CA(Euclidean distance=5).After the introduction of 30 testing samples,the overall correct classification rate was still as high as 94.49%,and the misjudgment rate was only 5.51%.Therefore,LF-NMR combined with chemometrics method is feasible for rapid classification of edible vegetable oils and discrimination of catering waste oils.