Preparation of Proficiency Testing Sample for Migration Organic Tin in Toys Paint Coating and Its Application
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KeyWord:toy  migration organic tin  proficiency testing  statistic analyse
LIU Chong-hua,DING Zhi-yong,YANG Dan-hua,LIU Song-jie,TIAN Yong,YI Le-zhou,HUANG Ning-shan,LI Han-ke 1.广东出入境检验检疫局检验检疫技术中心;2.恒昌涂料惠阳有限公司检测实验室
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      The samples of toys paint coating for the proficiency testing program(PT) “determination of migration Organic Tin in toys paint coating”were prepared,and applied in a PT scheme. 23 labs data were counted and analyzed by iterative method,quartile method and sensitivity analysis method. The cause of unsatisfactory results was also analyzed in this report. The results showed that PT samples had good homogeneity and stability,which could meet the requirement of this PT. Different statistical methods might lead to different assessment results for the laboratories. As the difference of assigned value was very small,but the difference of standard deviation for proficiency assessment was relatively larger. A more reasonable statistical method was selected by using chi-square-goodness of fit test.