Research Progress on Chemical Fingerprint Technology in Chinese Ethnomedicines
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KeyWord:ethnomedinine  chemical fingerprint  quality control  identification of materia medica  research progress
SHEN Tao,DI Zhun,ZHAO Yan-li,WANG Yuan-zhong* 1.玉溪师范学院化学生物与环境学院;2.吉首大学生物资源与环境科学学院;3.云南省农业科学院药用植物研究所
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      Chemical fingerprint technology is one of the most important parts of quality evaluation system for Chinese ethnomedinins,which development has close relationships with quality control,safety and effectiveness of ethnomedinins.In the present study,many analysis technologies such as TCL,HPLC,GC,IR,UV,Raman spectra,XRD and NMR have been widely used in the quality control on ethnomedinins.In this review,the current status and progress in the applications of chemical fingerprint in the studies of species identification,productions region decimation and quality evaluation of ethnomedinins made by both domestic and foreign scholars have been summarized.This review may provide references for the resources evaluation,quality control and innovation and development of Chinese ethnomedinins.