Chemical Amplification Methods and Techniques in Calorimetry
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KeyWord:chemical amplification  calorimetry  enrichment  protonation reaction  sequential reaction  review
ZHENG Yi-hua* 青岛大学机电工程学院生物系统热科学研究室
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      A review on chemical amplification methods and techniques is presented in this paper.Such chemical amplification approaches are introduced by overview of enrichment,buffer amplification,non-aqueous milieu and sequential reaction.Enrichment could obtain higher reagent concentration by pre-concentration.Buffer amplification is achieved by additional enthalpy of buffer proton-producing reactions.Non-aqueous milieu is achieved by temperature rise caused by decrease of specific heat.Sequential reaction has notable increase of total enthalpy contributed by net enthalpy change of each reaction in the cycle.More broadly,recent literatures to address these issues are also introduced.Their applications could help to enhance the test performance of calorimetric system like calorimetric biosensor achieved by improving effective enthalpy change.Taking inherent advantages of robust technique and crude samples detection,calorimetry combined with chemical amplifications is easy to operate,and must have a good propect in trace analysis field.