Design of Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Control System Based on NI Development Platform
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KeyWord:triple quadrupole  mass spectrometry  LabVIEW  control system
WANG Xiao jun,SUN Chuan qiang,GONG Zi shan,ZHANG Tao,YANG Ru,ZHAO Xue hong,WANG Yan 1.天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院;2.天津大学天津市生物医学检测技术与仪器重点实验室
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      A control system for triple quadrupole mass spectrometry(TQMS) was developed using LabVIEW software based on the NI development platform as it was widely used as an analysis and quantification tool for small molecules.The system hardware consisted of a PXIe board and some auxiliary circuits,which could realize the functions of air control,vacuum control,temperature control and scanning circuit control.The accuracy for gas flow control was 0.1%,the vacuum system pressure was 10-3 Pa,and the range and accuracy for temperature control were 0-850 ℃ and ±0.5 ℃,respectively.The control system was used for the determination of a cyclosporine A(CsA) standard sample,and a mass spectrum for the CsA sample was obtained.The half width for the ion peak with a mass number of 1 202.8 Da was 0.44 amu.Results showed that the control system,with good versatility,scalability and maintainability,could meet the requirements of the instrument by using object-oriented programming design,separating hardware from software to reduce the dependence of the software on the hardware.