Investigation on Colorimetric and Fluorescent Methods for Visual Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide Explosive
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KeyWord:explosive  hydrogen peroxide  colorimetric  fluorescent method  visual detection
CAO Hui-yu,LI Yu-shu,WANG Guang-fa,DOU Xin-cun 1. Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Explosives Safety Science,Key Laboratory of Functional Materials and Devices for Special Environments,Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi ,China; 2. Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing ,China
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      Improvised explosives related to terrorism have seriously threatened the homeland security and social stability as their devices could be easily constructed using readily available,low-cost,and legally purchased ingredients,which make them an ideal alternative option to heavily regulated military explosives.As one of the most popular improvised explosives,peroxide-based explosives(PBEs) are frequently used in terrorist incidents according to the reports of world media.As a result,the detection of PBEs is of great urgency for reducing or potentially stemming explosive-related terrorist attacks.Hydrogen peroxide,as precursor and degradation product,is an inevitable part of PBEs,which is a representative object and usually selected as target analyte when detecting PBEs.Thus,lots of methods have been developed for the detection of hydrogen peroxide,including mass spectrometry,chromatography,electrochemical,and chemiluminescence,etc.Among various types of detection methods,colorimetric and fluorescent detection methods hold considerable promise due to their potential for high sensitivity,excellent specificity,portability,and ease of on-site visual detection.This paper reviewed not only the developing trend of visually detecting hydrogen peroxide in the field of improvised explosive detection,but also how the design strategy can be realized with different detection modes by regulating probe structures and exploring new reaction mechanisms.Nowadays,although excellent sensitivity has been achieved by the ingenuity and artistry inherent to fluorescence turn-on mode via designing diverse fluorescent probes,the anti-interference of visual detection for on-site detection still remains a significant challenge.Recently,a new generation of visual detection method with complementary advantages by combining fluorescent reaction with colorimetric reaction,known as dual-mode detection,has emerged with a fundamentally improvement of anti-interference and opened the door to new development.Due to the necessarily limited scope of this review,we are only able to introduce some of the representative contributions that have general or potential applicability in the field of explosive detection.Notably,to avoid repetition with other reviews discussed specifically in the biological field,this review does not discuss the method based on peroxidase for colorimetric or fluorescent detection of hydrogen peroxide.Diverse methodologies have been summarized for colorimetric or fluorescent detection of hydrogen peroxide,but this review would be rather regarded as an opening remark than draw conclusions since future development of scientific research is filled with uncertainty.It is hoped that this review will not only assist researchers in designing their own experiments,but also provide all the necessary insights for visually detecting peroxide explosives.