On-site Rapid Determination of Content of Glycerol Triacetate in Cigarette Filter
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KeyWord:cigarette filter  ?glycerol triacetate  ?hand-held NIR  ?PSO-ELM
YANG Guang-yuan,HAN Lei,DENG Shao-peng,LIU Qiang,WANG Wen Cigarette Material Factory of China Tobacco Hubei Industrial Co.,Ltd,Wuhan ,China
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      Glycerol triacetate is used as the plasticizer and hardener in molding process of cigarette filter,its content will not only affect the rigidity,resistance and filtration performance of a cigarette filter,but also have an impact on the perceived quality of cigarette smoke.In order to improve the efficiency for detection of glycerol triacetate content,a novel hand-held near-infrared spectroscopy(NIR) technique combined with particle swarm optimization-extreme learning machine(PSO-ELM) algorithm was applied to build a prediction model for glycerol triacetate content.Meanwhile,it was also compared with the traditional partial least squares(PLS) model and extreme learning machine(ELM) model.The experimental results showed that compared with PLSR model and ELMR model,the PSO-ELM model was much better with a determination coefficient(r2) of 0.921 2,which was higher than 0.860 4 for PLSR prediction model and 0.877 2 for ELMR prediction model.Besides,the root mean square error of prediction(RMSEP) for PSO-ELM model was 0.3921 2,which was smaller than 0.497 72 for PLSR model and 0.470 18 for ELMR model.The above results indicated that the established model could be applied to the rapid and accurate determination of the content of glycerol triacetate in cigarette filter,which provided a good reference for on-site rapid determination on the content of glycerol triacetate.