Research Progress on Rapid Detection Technology for Consumer Products
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KeyWord:consumer products  rapid detection  research progress  review
SHANG Yu-han,GUO Xiang-yu,BAI Hua,MA Qiang Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine,Beijing ,China
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      The quality and safety of consumer products are closely related to people's living standards and socioeconomic development.The improvement of the quality of consumer products is of great significance to promoting the development of consumer product industries,improving domestic consumption environment,and boosting consumer confidence.In recent years,with the continual applications of new materials,formulations and techniques,the categories of consumer products have been greatly broadened,contributing to the improvement of consumers'living quality.However,the accompanying quality and safety issues also put forward higher requirements and challenges for consumer product detection technology.Traditional detection methods,complicated in sample preparation,long in detection period and relying on large-scale instruments,could no longer meet the needs of current economic and social development. Therefore,rapid detection technology has become a key research direction. In this paper,the research progress on rapid detection technology for consumer products in the past five years was reviewed.The present situation and future prospect were discussed,which may provide a useful guidance for relevant researchers and practitioners.