Volume 32,Issue 1,2013 Table of Contents

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Study of Indoxacarb Residue Degradation in Tea and Tea Infusion by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Tandem Mass Spectrometry after Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction Cleanup
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):1-8 [Abstract(3200)]  [View PDF 2.77 M (2130)]
Determination of 290 Pesticide Residues in Tea by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  贾玮,黄峻榕,凌云,冯峰,郑月明 ,储晓刚
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):9-22 [Abstract(3243)]  [View PDF 4.97 M (2108)]
Study on Reaction Mechanisms and Their Structure-Activity Relationship between Each of Four Furanocoumarin Drugs and Lysozyme
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):23-31 [Abstract(3170)]  [View PDF 2.66 M (1724)]
Determination of Trace Aniline and Benzidine in Environmental Water by Ultrahigh-pressure Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):32-37 [Abstract(3055)]  [View PDF 2.23 M (2000)]
In Situ UV-Vis Spectroelectrochemical Study on the Copolymerization of Diphenylamine and o-Aminophenol
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):38-44 [Abstract(3264)]  [View PDF 2.40 M (1607)]
Synthesis and Study of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for the Specific Extraction of Polydatin from Polygonum Cuspidatum Sieb.et Zucc.Extracts
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):45-50 [Abstract(4038)]  [View PDF 1.99 M (2253)]
On-line Tracking Investigation on the Hydrolysis Process of Pentaerythritol Diacetals with 1H NMR
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):51-56 [Abstract(3189)]  [View PDF 1.93 M (1768)]


Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs) in Marine Organisms by Ultrasonic Extraction and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):57-63 [Abstract(3130)]  [View PDF 2.36 M (1840)]
Simultaneous Determination of Triclosan and Triclocarban in Daily Chemical Products by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):64-68 [Abstract(3123)]  [View PDF 1.71 M (2136)]
Determination of Trace Copper in Environmental Waters by Magnetic Graphene Solid Phase Extraction Coupled with Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):69-73 [Abstract(3617)]  [View PDF 1.54 M (2085)]
Determination of Matrine Based on Silica Sol-Nano-gold Modified Gold Electrode Using Electrochemiluminescence
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):74-78 [Abstract(3188)]  [View PDF 1.64 M (1746)]
Determination of 11 Phenoxy Acid Herbicides in Fruits by Online GPC/GC-MS Method
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):79-83 [Abstract(3158)]  [View PDF 1.65 M (1958)]
Simultaneous Determination of Thiophanate-methyl,2-Aminobenzimidazole,Carbendazim,Triabendazole and 5-Hydroxy-triabendazole in Concentrated Fruit Juices by LC-MS/MS
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):84-88 [Abstract(3903)]  [View PDF 1.83 M (2051)]
Determination of Eight Phenoxy Acid Herbicide Residues in Water by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):89-93 [Abstract(3399)]  [View PDF 1.47 M (1910)]
Studies on Dopamine Electro-catalysis Oxidation by Anion Surfactant-PEG-Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Modified Magnetic Electrode
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):94-99 [Abstract(3629)]  [View PDF 1.86 M (1558)]
Preparation of Aptamer Modified PLGA Nanoparticles for Targeted Gene Delivery
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):100-105 [Abstract(3535)]  [View PDF 2.02 M (1702)]
Study on the Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography Specific Fingerprint of Mulberry leaves
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):106-111 [Abstract(3193)]  [View PDF 1.96 M (1779)]
Separation and Determination of Effective Compounds in Alkaloidal Samples by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):112-116 [Abstract(3072)]  [View PDF 1.38 M (1751)]
Simultaneous Determination of Chloramphenicol,Thiamphenicol and Florfenicol Residues in Feed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):117-121 [Abstract(3588)]  [View PDF 1.62 M (2087)]
Determination of Geniposide,Gentiopicroside and Baicalin in Longdanxiegan Pill by SPE/UPLC
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):122-126 [Abstract(3220)]  [View PDF 1.44 M (1873)]


An Analytical Method Based on Automatic Sample Preparation and New Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay and Its Applications in Determination of Dioxin in Exhaust Samples
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):127-132 [Abstract(3427)]  [View PDF 1.81 M (2006)]
Determination of Hexabromocyclododecane in Food Contact Materials by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):133-137 [Abstract(3919)]  [View PDF 1.56 M (1860)]
Determination of Residues of Thiacloprid,Flubendiamide and Their Metabolites in Paddy Soil and Water by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography
  Published 1月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(1):138-142 [Abstract(3324)]  [View PDF 1.56 M (1916)]