Volume 35,Issue 1,2016 Table of Contents

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Determination of Perfluorinated Compounds in Water Using Fe3O4@SiO2-NH2 Magnetic Nanoparticles Composites
  NIE Yang,WANG Yong-hua*,HU Liang-feng,HONG Cheng,LU Guang-hua
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):1-7 [Abstract(2601)]  [View PDF 3.59 M (1798)]
Determination of Organochlorine and Pyrethroid Pesticides in Tea by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Using Hydroxylated Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes as Dispersive Solid-phase Extraction Sorbent
  RONG Jie-feng*,WEI Hang,HUANG Huo-shui,LI Yi-jun,XU Mei-zhu
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):8-15 [Abstract(2503)]  [View PDF 1.54 M (1925)]
Separation and Determination of Diniconazole Enantiomers in Pear on β-Cyclodextrin-based Stationary Phase by HPLC
  CAO Zhi-gang,LI Lai-sheng*,CHENG Biao-ping,ZHANG Hong-fu,ZENG Chun,QIAO Ting
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):16-22 [Abstract(2601)]  [View PDF 901.97 K (1787)]
High Sensitive Detection of Pb2+ Using Thin-layered Molybdenum Disulfide-Self-doped Polyaniline Nanocomposite
  LUO Shi-zhong,ZHAO Jin-long,CHEN Huai-yin,YANG Tao*
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):23-27 [Abstract(2432)]  [View PDF 1.86 M (1800)]
Simultaneous Determination of Vitamins A,D in Vitamin A and D Pharmaceutical by Online Two-dimensional Reverse-phase Liquid Chromatography
  ZHANG Yan-hai,ZHANG Da-wei,CAO Ying,JIN Yan*
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):28-34 [Abstract(2648)]  [View PDF 1.08 M (1866)]
Simultaneous Determination of Gefitinib and Its Related Substances in Raw Material Drugs by Reversed-phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  WU Xue-hao,LUO An,YE Lian-bao,CHEN Zhi,WAN Qiang,FAN Hua-jun*,HU Qiao-hong
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):35-41 [Abstract(2528)]  [View PDF 811.39 K (1694)]
Determination of Quinolones Residues in Animal-originated Foodstuffs by Ultrafiltration Tube Cleaning and High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  JU Ling-yan,SONG Xiao-hua,GU Jie,XU Cheng-gang,YANG Li-jun*
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):42-47 [Abstract(2529)]  [View PDF 798.90 K (1844)]
Study on Graphitic Carbon Nitride Modified Electrochemical Sensors for Determination of Nitrobenzene
  HUANG Su-zhen,KANG Tian-fang*,LU Li-ping
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):48-53 [Abstract(2528)]  [View PDF 1.77 M (1757)]


Determination of Patulin in Fruit Products by Isotope Dilution Combined with High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  XIANG Yu-zhi,XU Jiao-jiao,CAI Zeng-xuan,MO Wei-min,REN Yi-ping*
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):54-60 [Abstract(2656)]  [View PDF 1.15 M (1794)]
Determination of Synthetic Musks and Organophosphate Flame Retardants/Plasticizers in Solid Phase by Ultrasound-assisted Extraction Coupled with Solid Phase Extraction
  LIU Jing,ZENG Xiang-ying*,YU Zhi-qiang,SHENG Guo-ying,FU Jia-mo
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):61-67 [Abstract(2792)]  [View PDF 1.11 M (1798)]
Simultaneous Determination of Five Inorganic Anions in Motor Gasoline and Diesel Oil by Liquid Phase Extraction/Ion Chromatography
  WU Ying,QIU Feng,CHEN Jun-shui,WEI Yu-feng,LIN Miao*
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):68-73 [Abstract(2494)]  [View PDF 686.23 K (2008)]
Determination of 3 β-Agonists in Animal Manure by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
  SHI Ao*
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):74-78 [Abstract(2804)]  [View PDF 690.09 K (1767)]
Direct Detection of Cadmium in Aqueous Solution Using Microwave Plasma Torch Coupled with Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
  JIANG Tao,LIU Qiu-ju,YI Lan-fang,QI Wen-hao,ZENG Bin,ZHOU Yue-ming,ZHU Zhi qiang*,CHEN Huan-wen
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):79-84 [Abstract(2502)]  [View PDF 1.06 M (1698)]
Study on Preparation,Characterization and Application of a Novel Poly Neutral Red Film Modified Carbon Paste Electrode
  GU Ling*,SHI Ai-hua,WU Cai-yan,ZHANG Yan-ru,ZHANG Miao
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):85-90 [Abstract(2746)]  [View PDF 2.69 M (1611)]
A SELDI-TOF-MS Data Classification Method for Prostate Based on Probabilistic Principal Components Analysis and Support Vector Machine
  LI Su-yi,JI Meng-ying,XU Zhuang,WANG Yue-yang,SHEN Bo-wen,XIONG Wen-ji*
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):91-95 [Abstract(2431)]  [View PDF 632.00 K (1683)]
Determination of L-Carnitine in Dairy Products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  XU Dun-ming*,CHEN Yan,ZHANG Jin,YU Yu-cheng,FENG Feng,ZHANG Feng,CHU Xiao-gang
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):96-100 [Abstract(2591)]  [View PDF 569.89 K (1762)]
Fast Identification of Wood Species Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled with Variables Selection Methods Based on Support Vector Machine
  LIANG Long,FANG Gui-gan*,WU Ting1,CUI Hong-hui,ZHANG Xin-min,ZHAO Zhen-yi
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):101-106 [Abstract(2941)]  [View PDF 718.80 K (1727)]


Study of an Acetone Sensor Based on Cataluminescence of ZnO-WO3 Nanometerials
  MU Miao*,ZHANG Yan-tu,LIU Zhen-ye,QI Guang-cai
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):107-110 [Abstract(2553)]  [View PDF 597.54 K (1699)]
Determination of Lauroyl Glutamate Content in Coconut Oleoyl Glutamate by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  LI Zhong-jun*,HUANG Fang,WU Hui-qin2,MENG Ju-guang
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):111-114 [Abstract(2449)]  [View PDF 594.44 K (2103)]
Study on Residue Determination of Clenbuterol in Pork Liver by Molecularly Imprinted Solid Phase Extraction/High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  TANG Kai-jie,LUO Qiu-shui*,YU Rui-long,WU Qiu-hao
  Published 1月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(1):115-118 [Abstract(3076)]  [View PDF 559.64 K (1954)]