Volume 38,Issue 1,2019 Table of Contents

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Identification of Chemical Constituents of Bufei Yishen Formula by UPLC-Q-Orbitrap MS
  HUANG Hai ying,KANG Jun li,YU Ya hui,ZHAO Peng,FENG Su xiang,DU Yan,LI Jian sheng
  2019,38(1):1-13 [Abstract(2274)]  [View PDF 1.58 M (1606)]
Identification of Paris polyphylla Smith varyunnanensis from Different Origins Using FTIR,ATR-FTIR and UV Multispectral Data
  PEI Yi fei,ZUO Zhi tian,ZHAO Yan li,ZHANG Qing zhi,WANG Yuan zhong
  2019,38(1):14-21 [Abstract(2384)]  [View PDF 4.63 M (1139)]
Rapid Screening and Confirmation of 80 Antibiotic and Hormone Residues in Raw Milk by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Quadrupole Time of flight Mass Spectrometry
  GONG Song song,ZHANG Jing,YAN Feng,WU Jian ping,PAN Juan,GU Xin
  2019,38(1):22-30 [Abstract(2238)]  [View PDF 998.64 K (1242)]
Design of Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Control System Based on NI Development Platform
  WANG Xiao jun,SUN Chuan qiang,GONG Zi shan,ZHANG Tao,YANG Ru,ZHAO Xue hong,WANG Yan
  2019,38(1):31-38 [Abstract(2119)]  [View PDF 2.19 M (1125)]
A NIR Model Transfer Method Based on Least Angle Regression Combined with Simple Linear Regression Direct Standardization
  LU Hao xiang,WU Peng fei,YANG Hui hua,LIU Zhen bing
  2019,38(1):39-45 [Abstract(2316)]  [View PDF 881.53 K (1204)]
Determination of 4 Benzoylurea Pesticides in Irrigation Water by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Magnetic Solid phase Extraction
  JIA Ye qing,NIAN Qi xun,ZHANG Lei,JI Qian qian,XU Hou jun,WANG Man man,WANG Xue sheng,HAO Yu lan
  2019,38(1):46-51 [Abstract(2357)]  [View PDF 1.40 M (1163)]
Determination of Glutathione in Fruits and Vegetables Based on an “Off-On” Type Fluorescent Probe with Zinc doped Carbon Quantum Dots
  LI Hong,HUA Jian hao,HOU Chao xiang,WANG Han mo,TIAN Hao,YANG Ya ling,LI Wan yi
  2019,38(1):52-57 [Abstract(2550)]  [View PDF 2.18 M (1122)]
Determination of Brilliant Green,Methylene Blue and Their Metabolites in Aquatic Products by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  YU Wei yue,HUANG Dong mei,SHI Yong fu,KONG Cong,TIAN Liang liang,HAN Feng,ZHANG Zheng quan
  2019,38(1):58-63 [Abstract(2208)]  [View PDF 905.12 K (1180)]
Preparation of Coated Cellulose Tri(4 methylbenzoate) Chiral Stationary Phases and Their Application in Enantioseparation
  WU Hai bo,XUE Xing ya,LI Kui yong,ZHOU Yong zheng
  2019,38(1):64-68 [Abstract(2178)]  [View PDF 708.67 K (1100)]
Determination of Ethephon Residues in Cotton Seed,Cotton Leaf and Soil by Solid Phase Extraction/Ultrahigh Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  TANG Tao,ZHANG Chang peng,WU Min,XU Zhen lan,HE Hong mei,ZHANG Chun rong,ZHAO Xue ping
  2019,38(1):69-74 [Abstract(2339)]  [View PDF 833.45 K (1091)]
Simultaneous Determination of 19 Chlorinated Phenols in Textiles by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  GAO Yong gang,NIU Zeng yuan,ZHANG Yan yan,YE Xi wen,LUO Xin,ZHANG Jia yun
  2019,38(1):75-79 [Abstract(2310)]  [View PDF 547.52 K (1067)]
Simultaneous Determination of Three Triazine Herbicides Residues in Honey Samples Based on Aqueous Biphasic System with Ionic Liquid
  TIAN Hong zhe,ZHANG Ming hao,ZHOU Xin jie,YUAN Bao hui,ZHANG Chen guang
  2019,38(1):80-85 [Abstract(2267)]  [View PDF 859.29 K (1031)]
Analysis of Compositions of Essential Oil in Zanthoxylum Piperitum by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry with Steam Distillation and Supercritical CO2 Extraction
  DU Li jun,NIU Xian qian,LIN Xiao hong,ZHENG Guo hua
  2019,38(1):86-91 [Abstract(2391)]  [View PDF 706.48 K (1116)]


Simultaneous Determination of Five Botanic Active Constituents in Toothpaste by Ultrahigh Performance Liquid Chromatography
  YANG Pei,TAN Jian hua,LI Hui yong,GUO Chang hong,XIONG Xiao ting,XIA Ze min,LI Shao fei,MO Ting yuan,LIAO Hui mei
  2019,38(1):92-96 [Abstract(2289)]  [View PDF 607.50 K (1116)]
Study on Analysis of Pyrrolidinium Ionic Liquid Cations by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Indirect Ultraviolet Detection
  WEN Xin zhu,ZHANG Xiao dong,AN Ying,YU Hong
  2019,38(1):97-101 [Abstract(2287)]  [View PDF 527.74 K (1132)]
Synthesis of Graphene Oxide Modified ZnO/CeO2 Nanocomposites and Their UV shielding Performance
  DENG Xue ying,LI Li hua,ZHANG Jin sheng,WU Xian,MA Cheng
  2019,38(1):102-106 [Abstract(2195)]  [View PDF 2.08 M (1075)]
Study on Synthesis of Pyrethroids Molecularly Imprinted Polymers by Precipitation Polymerization and Their Adsorption Properties
  HUANG Zhi peng,SONG Li xin,SHEN Yan zheng,LI Yuan yuan,SHI Feng chun,WEI Yan yan,YOU Li qin,HE Juan
  2019,38(1):107-111 [Abstract(2544)]  [View PDF 1.40 M (1066)]
Preparation and Application of an Electrochemiluminescence Sensor Based on Multi walled Carbon Nanotube/Nano Ag
  LUO Ying,LI Yan qing,LU Shi chang,CHENG Hao,KONG Hong xing,LI Li jun
  2019,38(1):112-116 [Abstract(2259)]  [View PDF 968.31 K (1068)]
Electrochemiluminescence Detection of Methimazole Based on Graphene Modified Electrode
  XIONG Hai tao,WU Ying chun,TANG Zhi hua,PANG Hai xia
  2019,38(1):117-121 [Abstract(2341)]  [View PDF 697.57 K (1029)]


Application of Comprehensive Two dimensional Gas Chromatography in Analysis on Chemical Components of Food Flavor
  XIAO Xue,WU Hui qin,CHEN Xiao tian,GUO Peng ran,SONG Hua can,XIANG Zhang min
  2019,38(1):122-128 [Abstract(2516)]  [View PDF 961.35 K (1477)]