Volume 37,Issue 2,2018 Table of Contents

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Advances in Application of Mass Spectrometry in High-throughput and Rapid Detection
  HU Ming-zhu,MENG Xian-shuang,WANG Chun,WANG Chang-hai,NIU Zeng-yuan,BAI Hua1,MA Qiang*
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):127-138 [Abstract(2110)]  [View PDF 1.65 M (795)]
Applications of Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry in Analysis on Pesticide Residues in Fruits,Vegetables and Tea
  SHENG Hui-shan,ZHANG Xin-zhong*,WANG Xin-ru,ZHONG Qing,LUO Feng-jian,CUI Xin-yi,ZHOU Li,SUN He-zhi,YANG Mei,LOU Zheng-yun,CHEN Zong-mao*
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):139-153 [Abstract(2043)]  [View PDF 1.07 M (817)]
Rapid Screening and Determination of 248 Pesticide Residues in Apples and Lettuces by Liquid Chromatography-Quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry
  ZHANG Jian-ying,LUO Yao,GONG Ben-ning,YUE Zhen-feng*,ZHAO Xiang-long,ZHAO Qiong-hui
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):154-164 [Abstract(1724)]  [View PDF 5.67 M (774)]
Screening of Phthalates Plasticizers in Plastic Toys by Ultra-performance Liquid Chromatography-Hybrid Quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry
  MENG Xian-shuang,LIAN Xian-hui,BAI Hua,NIU Zeng-yuan,XIE Tang-tang,DING You-chao,XUE Hong-yu,MA Qiang
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):165-173 [Abstract(1746)]  [View PDF 1.11 M (704)]
High-throughput Identification of Eight Fish Species by Using Thin-film Biosensor Chips
  HAN Jian-xun,CHEN Ying*,WANG Bin,ZHANG Jiu-kai,MA Xiu-li
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):174-179 [Abstract(1553)]  [View PDF 13.31 M (697)]
Rapid Screening of 212 Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables by Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry with On-line Cleanup
  ZHANG Hai-chao*,AI Lian-feng,MA Yu-song,WANG Jing,LI Xiao-fei,XU Niu-sheng
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):180-189 [Abstract(2019)]  [View PDF 1.23 M (810)]


Selective Determination of Lomefloxacin Hydrochloride in Water and Milk Using a Reduced Graphene Oxide-AuNPs Modified Molecular Imprinting Sensor
  LI Jian-wen,WEI Shou-lian*,YAO Su,LIU Yong
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):190-197 [Abstract(1572)]  [View PDF 2.71 M (718)]
Preparation,Fluorescence Properties and Cell Imaging Application of Thermo-sensitive Carbon Quantum Dots
  ZHANG Xian-feng1*,LU Jing-bo,WANG Xue-mei
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):198-203 [Abstract(1899)]  [View PDF 5.20 M (754)]
Simultaneous Detection of o-Nitrophenol and p-Nitrophenol Using a β-Cyclodextrin Functionalized Graphene Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode
  DENG Pei-hong*,LIANG Jiao-li,CHEN Dong-er,CAI Fen,LI Qiu-yan,WANG Ting
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):204-210 [Abstract(1602)]  [View PDF 2.53 M (626)]
Simultaneous Determination of Three Alkaloids in Lycoris spp. by UPLC-QTRAP-MS/MS
  LI Qing-zhu, ZHANG Yong-chun, ZHENG Yu-hong, YANG Liu-yan,CAI You-ming*
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):211-216 [Abstract(1948)]  [View PDF 858.48 K (689)]
Purity Assessment of Octylferrocene Isomers Reference Materials
  LIU Qiang,TIAN Dan,MA Xiao-yan*,CHEN Fang*
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):217-223 [Abstract(1636)]  [View PDF 930.45 K (631)]


Determination of 19 Quinolone Antibacterials Residues in Aquatic Products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  LIANG Jing-jing,XU Xiao-ying,DING Yu-qi,CHEN Wan-qin,LIU Zhu,LUO Jin-wen*
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):224-230 [Abstract(1934)]  [View PDF 965.65 K (735)]
Quantitative Determination of Active Components in N-Catalyst by Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  YIN Jie*,HUANG Wen-qing
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):231-235 [Abstract(1850)]  [View PDF 687.64 K (681)]
Determination of 19 Organic Solvent Residues in Dyeing and Finishing Auxiliaries by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  ZHOU Jia,TANG Juan,DING You-chao*,CAO Xi-zhong
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):236-241 [Abstract(1876)]  [View PDF 579.52 K (693)]
Determination of 15 Organic Solvents Residues in Food Additives by Headspace-Gas Chromatography
  CAO Shu-rui*,ZHU Ming,GAO Xiao-li,WEN Yao,CHENG Ni-li,XI Cun-xian,TANG Bo-bin,ZHENG Xiao-ling
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):242-246 [Abstract(1835)]  [View PDF 619.48 K (701)]
A Label-free Electrochemical Salbutamol Immunosensor
  HUANG Ying*,ZHANG Cui-yun
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):247-251 [Abstract(1791)]  [View PDF 2.19 M (668)]
Detection of HCl/NH3 Using a Porphyrin-Infiltrated SiO2 Inverse Opal Photonic Crystals Fluorescence Sensor
  LI Heng,XU Zhao-hua*,LUO Ling,SU Yi,ZHAO Ru-ying
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):252-256 [Abstract(1817)]  [View PDF 2.62 M (655)]


Research Progress on Sample Pretreatment in Natural Vitamin E Analysis
  CAO Jiang-ping*,XIE Qi-long*,DI Hong-wei,LIANG Yong-feng
  Published 2月 25日, 2018
  2018,37(2):257-262 [Abstract(1643)]  [View PDF 554.76 K (652)]