Volume 30,Issue 5,2011 Table of Contents

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  徐磊; 夏宁
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5) [Abstract(2968)]  [View PDF 1.37 M (1123)]


Study on Nanomaterials Modified Highly Sensitive L-phenylalaine Imprinted Sol-Gel Sensor
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):473-480 [Abstract(4839)]  [View PDF 2.46 M (1612)]
Study of Phase Transition Behavior of pH/Temperature Dual Stimuli Responsive Microgels with Interpenetrating Polymer Network Structure by FTIR Spectroscopy
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):481-486 [Abstract(2391)]  [View PDF 2.93 M (1165)]
Preparation of Strong Cation Exchange Packings Based on Surfaceinitiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization and Its Chromatographic Properties
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):487-491 [Abstract(2474)]  [View PDF 1.77 M (1113)]
Development of Electrochemical Biosensor for Detection of PML/RARα Fusion Gene in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):492-497 [Abstract(2355)]  [View PDF 2.01 M (1095)]
Methodology Research on Loss of Heterozygosity of APC Gene Detection Exon 11 of Gastric Cancer by Capillary Electrophoresis
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):498-502 [Abstract(2307)]  [View PDF 2.29 M (986)]
Determination of Migration Levels of 7 N-nitrosamines and N-nitrosatable Substances from Household Gloves by Chromatography-Positive Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):503-507 [Abstract(2810)]  [View PDF 1.92 M (1326)]
Study on the Specific Interaction between Monoamine Oxidase and Kyn by Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):509-512 [Abstract(2358)]  [View PDF 1.35 M (1048)]


Determination of 185 Pesticide Residues in Nuts by Gas Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  李南, 石志红, 庞国芳, 范春林
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):513-521 [Abstract(4070)]  [View PDF 2.91 M (1287)]
Determination of 16 Harmful Substances in Solvent Based Coatings by GC-MS Method
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):522-526 [Abstract(2739)]  [View PDF 1.62 M (1051)]
Detection of Phospholipid Compounds in Soybean and Soybean Oil Samples Using Ultrasonic Extraction and Normalphase HPLC with UV Detection
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):527-531 [Abstract(3107)]  [View PDF 1.64 M (1173)]
Study on Interaction Between Baicalin and Human Serum Albumin
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):532-536 [Abstract(2604)]  [View PDF 1.60 M (1106)]
Determination of Polyoxin B in Soils by Capillary Electrophoresis with Electrochemiluminescence Detection
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):537-542 [Abstract(2808)]  [View PDF 2.82 M (1148)]
Electrochemical Behavior and Determination of Bisphenol A on the Gold Nanoparticles-Ionic Liquid Modified Electrode
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):543-548 [Abstract(2697)]  [View PDF 1.71 M (1139)]
An Improved Direct Standardization Algorithm and Its Applications
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):549-552 [Abstract(2929)]  [View PDF 1.43 M (1042)]
Study on the Determination of Clebopride in Human Urine by Constantwavelength Synchronous Fluorimetry
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):553-557 [Abstract(2458)]  [View PDF 2.24 M (973)]
Determination of Four Trace Phthalates in Water by Online SPE Coupled with High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):558-561 [Abstract(2228)]  [View PDF 1.37 M (975)]


Simultaneous Determination of Synephrine,Evodiamine and Rutecarpine in Fructus Evodiae by Microemulsion Liquid Chromatography
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):562-565 [Abstract(2738)]  [View PDF 1.42 M (997)]
Determination of Acetic Acid Content in Vinegar by pH Electrode and Flow Injection Analysis
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):566-569 [Abstract(2404)]  [View PDF 1.50 M (1016)]
Determination of Benzo [α] pyrene in Vegetables by Reformed QuEChERS-High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):570-572 [Abstract(2726)]  [View PDF 1.00 M (887)]
Determination of 11 Dinitroaniline Herbicide Residues in Grains by Gas Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):573-576 [Abstract(2896)]  [View PDF 1.41 M (1046)]
FTIR Analysis of Mineral Medicine Lapis Micae Aureus
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):577-581 [Abstract(2641)]  [View PDF 1.58 M (964)]


Recent Advances in Monolithic Columns and Their Application in Separation and Enrichment of Glycoproteins
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):582-587 [Abstract(2657)]  [View PDF 2.26 M (1231)]
Methods of Elimination of Water Vapor Bands from an Infrared Spectrum
  Published 5月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(5):588-592 [Abstract(2991)]  [View PDF 1.98 M (1074)]