Volume 38,Issue 5,2019 Table of Contents

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Investigation on pH Regulatory Mechanism of HK853 by NMR Spectroscopy
  JI Shi-xia,LIU Yi-xiang,JIANG Hong-ying,LI Cong-gang,JIANG Ling,LIU Mai-li
  2019,38(5):503-509 [Abstract(2330)]  [View PDF 7.07 M (1993)]
Research on High Efficient Separation of Gold Nanotriangles Based on Centrifuge accelerated Depletion Effect
  LU Shuang,WANG Li-hua,LIU Hua-jie,FAN Chun-hai
  2019,38(5):510-516 [Abstract(2506)]  [View PDF 10.45 M (1257)]
Visual Detection of HIV-DNA Using a Novel Lateral Flow Test Strip Based on Branched Gold Nanostars
  Lü Si-jia,CAO Ting-wei,WEN Wei,ZHANG Xiu-hua,WANG Sheng-fu
  2019,38(5):517-524 [Abstract(45088)]  [View PDF 2.17 M (2947)]
Identification of Chemical Constituents in Ganoderma lucidum by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry and Its Fingerprinting Analysis
  YANG Qiu-xia,YANG Yun-yun,LIU Yao-hui, XIANG Zhang-min, GUO Peng-ran
  2019,38(5):525-531 [Abstract(2702)]  [View PDF 887.48 K (1343)]
Simultaneous and Rapid Determination of Nine Exogenous Impurities in Edible Oils by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  LUO Hui-tai,HUANG Xiao-lan,WU Hui-qin,ZHANG Qiu-yan,ZHU Zhi-xin,HUANG Fang,LIN Xiao-shan,MA Ye-fen,DENG Xin
  2019,38(5):532-538 [Abstract(2695)]  [View PDF 891.31 K (1448)]
A Novel Method for Purification of the Recombinant Human Serum Albumin from Transgenic Pig Plasma
  YU Qian,WANG Yong,QIAN Xiao-hong,QIN Wei-jie,ZHANG Pu-min,ZAHNG Yang-jun
  2019,38(5):539-545 [Abstract(2368)]  [View PDF 1.31 M (4961)]
Rapid Identification of Microbial Contamination in Herbs by Matrix assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
  XU Xiao-yan,SU Yue,GUO Yin-long
  2019,38(5):546-551 [Abstract(2418)]  [View PDF 823.63 K (1647)]
Improvement of Reliability for Microchip Electrophoresis with Pinched Sample Injection Through Branched Microchannels
  WEI Xuan,WANG Yan,WANG Zhao-yan,PU Qiao-sheng
  2019,38(5):552-557 [Abstract(2118)]  [View PDF 1.01 M (1001)]
Effect of Ferron Dosage on Accurate Determination of Al3+ Concentration in Mononuclear Aluminum Solution
  JIN Jing,CHANG Fang,ZHANG Zhen-jiang,BI Shu-ping
  2019,38(5):558-562 [Abstract(2185)]  [View PDF 1.71 M (929)]
Fabrication of a Metal-Organic Frameworks ZIF-8@Fe3O4 Composite and Its Magnetic Solid Phase Extraction of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Water
  YANG Cheng-xiong,YAN Xiu-ping
  2019,38(5):563-568 [Abstract(2597)]  [View PDF 2.19 M (1150)]
Analysis on Compositions of Aluminum Sealer by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
  HUANG Fang,DENG Xin,LUO Hui-tai,LIN Xiao-shan,ZHU Zhi-xin,MA Ye-fen,HUANG Xiao-lan,WU Hui-qin
  2019,38(5):569-573 [Abstract(2221)]  [View PDF 706.75 K (1023)]
A Novel Colorimetric Detection Method for Iron Ion Based on Janus Gold Nanoparticles
  CHEN Xin-yue,HA Wei,SHI Yan-ping
  2019,38(5):574-580 [Abstract(2304)]  [View PDF 6.71 M (1088)]
Detection of Ferrous/Ferric Ions in Aqueous Phase Using Ellagic Acid as Fluorescent Probe
  FENG Huan-ran,LAI Jia-ping,SUN Hui,WU Wei-zhen,HUANG Meng-xia
  2019,38(5):581-585 [Abstract(2451)]  [View PDF 939.30 K (1046)]


Research Progress on High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Analysis and Preparation of Alkaloids
  WANG Rong,LIU Yan-fang,WANG Chao-ran,GUO Zhi-mou,LIANG Xin-miao
  2019,38(5):586-594 [Abstract(2743)]  [View PDF 1.23 M (1403)]
Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence Cytosensors and Their Analytical Application
  ZHOU Fan,YAO Zheng,CHEN Cheng-chi,LI Jin-hua,YANG Pei-hui
  2019,38(5):595-602 [Abstract(2407)]  [View PDF 5.24 M (1104)]
Research and Application Progresses of Near Infrared Spectroscopy Analytical Technique in China in Past Five Years
  CHU Xiao-li,SHI Yun-ying,CHEN Pu,LI Jing-yan,XU Yu-peng
  2019,38(5):603-611 [Abstract(2405)]  [View PDF 1.06 M (1496)]
Application of Raman Spectroscopy Techniques in On site Fast Detection
  Lü Qian-hui,WANG Xiao-hua,SHEN Ai-guo,HU Ji-ming
  2019,38(5):612-617 [Abstract(2511)]  [View PDF 1.71 M (1062)]
Applications of Chiral Porous Organic Frameworks in Chromatographic Separation and Analysis
  LI Liang,LU Zi-cheng,CHEN Yan-long,A Wen-wei,LI Gong-ke,HU Yu-ling
  2019,38(5):618-623 [Abstract(2772)]  [View PDF 2.81 M (1084)]
Research Progress on Analysis Methods for Bisphenol-Diglycidyl Ethers in Canned Foods and Biological Matrices
  YANG Run-hui,NIU Yu-min,SHAO Bing
  2019,38(5):624-630 [Abstract(2095)]  [View PDF 668.02 K (902)]
Research Progress on Applications of Electron Microscopy in Characterization and Analysis of Bio-nanomaterials
  SHI Yun-feng,XUE Wei
  2019,38(5):631-634 [Abstract(2343)]  [View PDF 777.18 K (1135)]