Volume 33,Issue 1,2014 Table of Contents

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Fast Analysis of Benzene Series(BTEX) in Seawater by Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction Coupled with GC-MS
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):1-6 [Abstract(2663)]  [View PDF 1.85 M (1855)]
Investigation on Phase Structure of Lecithin/n-Propanol/Isopropyl Myristate/Water Microemulsion Formulation
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):7-12 [Abstract(2538)]  [View PDF 38.43 M (5895)]
Application of NIR Spectroscopy in Detection of Process Parameters for Solid-state Fermentation of Monascus
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):13-20 [Abstract(2867)]  [View PDF 2.50 M (1889)]
Determination of Olaquindox and Carbadox Residues in Animal Originated Food by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):21-26 [Abstract(3667)]  [View PDF 1.87 M (2199)]
Determination of Eight Biogenic Amines in Red Wines by Liquid Chromatography-Quadrupole/Electrostatic Field Orbit Trap Mass Spectrometry
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):27-32 [Abstract(3024)]  [View PDF 1.93 M (1836)]
Direct Electrochemistry of Horseradish Peroxidase Immobilized on Carbon Paste Electrode Modified by MWCNTs and Liquid [EMIM]PF6
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):33-38 [Abstract(2573)]  [View PDF 1.84 M (1592)]
Determination of Vitamin B12 in Beverages by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Combined with On-line Clean-up/Solid-phase Extraction
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):39-44 [Abstract(3319)]  [View PDF 1.87 M (1647)]
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study on Interaction between Bupropion and Bovine Serum Albumin
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):45-50 [Abstract(2561)]  [View PDF 1.78 M (1674)]


Determination of 15 Fragrance Allergens in Toys by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Fluid Extraction
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):51-56 [Abstract(2857)]  [View PDF 1.80 M (1605)]
Characterization of Polar Species in Rock Extracts by Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):57-62 [Abstract(3523)]  [View PDF 1.81 M (1712)]
Simultaneous Preparation of Six Soybean Isoflavones Monomers by Preparative HPLC
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):63-67 [Abstract(2648)]  [View PDF 1.65 M (1643)]
Preparation and Evaluation of Immobilized Chiral Stationary Phases Based on Cellulose 3,5-Dimethylphenylcarbamate
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):68-72 [Abstract(2528)]  [View PDF 1.90 M (1692)]
Aptamer-based Chemiluminescent Detection of Adenosine
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):73-77 [Abstract(2919)]  [View PDF 1.53 M (1706)]
Determination of Emamectin Benzoate in Paddy Field by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):78-82 [Abstract(2712)]  [View PDF 1.93 M (1858)]
Simultaneous Determination of HCH and DDT Residues in Transgenic Soybean Oil by Mixed Ionic Liquids-Static Headspace Gas Chromatography
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):83-87 [Abstract(2690)]  [View PDF 1.72 M (1714)]
Electrocatalytic Behavior and Determination of Ethyl Naphthol at Nanosilver /Chitosan-Acetylene Black Modified Electrode
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):88-92 [Abstract(2851)]  [View PDF 1.94 M (1695)]
Simultaneous Determination of 11 Fat-soluble Colorants in Foodstuffs by HPLC/DAD
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):93-97 [Abstract(3085)]  [View PDF 1.64 M (1889)]
Electrochemistry Study of Tetrandrine on Glass Carbon Electrode and Its Interaction with DNA
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):98-102 [Abstract(2674)]  [View PDF 1.56 M (1774)]


Determination of BHC and DDT Pesticide Residues in Cinnamomum Cassia Bark by Solid-phase Extraction and Capillary Gas Chromatography
  刘桂宁,强维 ,钟闱桢,文新
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):103-107 [Abstract(2775)]  [View PDF 1.58 M (1802)]
Determination of Ethyl Carbamate in Soy Sauce and Vinegar by Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction/Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):108-111 [Abstract(2960)]  [View PDF 1.30 M (1697)]


Advances on Analysis of Triacylglycerols in Plant Oils Based on Chromatography Methods
  Published 1月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(1):112-118 [Abstract(2599)]  [View PDF 2.60 M (1653)]