Volume 32,Issue 10,2013 Table of Contents

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Simultaneous Determination of 20 Forbidden Veterinary Drug Residues in Swine Urine by HPLC-ESI-iFunnel-MS/MS
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1153-1159 [Abstract(2598)]  [View PDF 2.46 M (1107)]
Simultaneous Seperation and Determination of PCDD/Fs,PBDD/Fs,PCBs and PBDEs Soil Sample
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1160-1165 [Abstract(3313)]  [View PDF 1.70 M (1255)]
Direct Electrochemistry and Electrocatalytic Activity of Hemoglobin Immobilized on Hydrophilic Graphene-Hydroxyapatite Composite Film
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1166-1173 [Abstract(2176)]  [View PDF 2.86 M (1082)]
Purification of Pen a 1 Using Immunoaffinity Column of Polyepitope Antibody Against Pen a 1
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1174-1179 [Abstract(2262)]  [View PDF 1.96 M (1062)]
Simultaneous Determination of 71 Pesticides Residues in Marine Sediments by ASE-SPE/GC-MS/MS
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1180-1186 [Abstract(2243)]  [View PDF 2.37 M (1061)]
Highly Sensitive Colorimetric Detection on Silver(Ⅰ) Ion Based on Silver Nanoparticles
  吴秀明 ,朱晓瑛 ,曹丽华 ,王光丽
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1187-1191 [Abstract(2494)]  [View PDF 1.53 M (1120)]
Determination of Herbicide Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Based on Molecularly Imprinted Electropolymerization Membrane Sensor
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1192-1196 [Abstract(4026)]  [View PDF 1.58 M (1244)]
Investigation of Interaction between Clenbuterol Hydrochloride and Human Immunoglobulin
  王芹 ,张晟瑞
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1197-1201 [Abstract(2658)]  [View PDF 1.58 M (1165)]


Study on Determination of Purine Nucleotides by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1202-1206 [Abstract(2897)]  [View PDF 1.59 M (1312)]
Mechanism of Two Stages Cold Trap Enrichment and the Analysis Method of GC/FID for Trace Phosphine
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1207-1211 [Abstract(2161)]  [View PDF 1.68 M (1106)]
Simultaneous Determination of Seven Sulfonylurea Hypoglycemic Agents in Health Care Products by Solid Phase Extraction/High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1212-1216 [Abstract(2150)]  [View PDF 1.75 M (1152)]
Study on Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer between CdS@ZnS QDs and Rhodamine B and Its Application in Determination of Oxytetracycline in Milk
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1217-1221 [Abstract(3150)]  [View PDF 1.48 M (1178)]
Simultaneous Analysis of Analeptics and Their Metabolites by Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1222-1226 [Abstract(2332)]  [View PDF 1.97 M (1049)]
Determination of the Storage Time and Geographical Origin of Rice by GC and Chemometrics
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1227-1231 [Abstract(2420)]  [View PDF 1.74 M (1036)]
RP-HPLC Determination of Ester and Organic Acids in the Oxidative Products of Tetrahydrofuran with Molecular Oxygen
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1232-1236 [Abstract(2897)]  [View PDF 1.53 M (1121)]
Determination of Ethephon Residue in Fruits and Vegetables by QuEChERS/High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1237-1241 [Abstract(2514)]  [View PDF 1.52 M (1141)]
Determination of Trace Thallium by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry after Preconcentration with Graphene Oxide/Thiacalixarene Composites Material
  周乐舟,付胜,余克平,高寿泉 ,贺国文
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1242-1246 [Abstract(2494)]  [View PDF 1.56 M (1220)]
Quantitative Determination of Salicylic Acid by Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering with Internal Standard Method
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1247-1250 [Abstract(2540)]  [View PDF 1.23 M (1148)]
Determination of PBBs and PBDEs in Pressure sensitive Adhesive and Its Products by GC-MS
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1251-1255 [Abstract(2465)]  [View PDF 1.59 M (1121)]


Control System Design and Application of Fast Gas Chromatography
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1256-1262 [Abstract(3054)]  [View PDF 1.99 M (1144)]
Synthesis and Characterization of Porous Alumina and Its Precursor
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1263-1265 [Abstract(2012)]  [View PDF 896.44 K (1331)]
Determination of Main Sulfur-contained Compounds in Cooked Oil by Headspace Gas Chromatographic Method
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1266-1269 [Abstract(2647)]  [View PDF 1.16 M (1111)]


Advances on Application of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticle in Biochemical Separation and Analysis
  Published 10月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(10):1270-1276 [Abstract(2563)]  [View PDF 2.57 M (1069)]