Volume 34,Issue 11,2015 Table of Contents

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Analysis of Chlorophenols in Seawater Samples by Molecular Imprinted Magnetic Composite-based Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction Coupled with Liquid Chromatography
  WANG Xin-xin,YANG Jun,XIE Sheng-yu,CHEN Yang,LIU Fang-ling,SHEN Hao-yu*,XIA Qing-hua
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1213-1219 [Abstract(2701)]  [View PDF 786.97 K (1359)]
Effect of Inorganic Salt on Relaxation Characteristics of Ethanol-Water System Analyzed by PCA
  LIU Min,WANG Xin*,LIU Bao-lin
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1220-1226 [Abstract(2183)]  [View PDF 2.38 M (1325)]
Studies on Determination of 10 Polyphenols in Wine by HPLC-Quadrupole/Electrostatic Field Orbitrap HRMS
  MI Jie-bo*,BI Yu-guo,ZHAO Kong-xiang,LI Shu-jing,XU Hong,HE Jia,ZHENG Wen-jie
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1227-1232 [Abstract(2381)]  [View PDF 930.77 K (1049)]
Spectroscopic Studies and Molecular Docking of the Interaction between Myricetin and Calf Thymus DNA
  LI Yue*,HE Hua,XIAO De-li,ZHU Ming-yang
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1233-1239 [Abstract(2167)]  [View PDF 1.36 M (937)]
Determination of Migration of Aromatic Amines from Paper Packaging Materials into Food Simulant Tenax
  SI Xiao-xi,ZHANG Rong,ZHANG Feng-mei,LIU Zhi-hua,HE Pei,SHEN Qin-peng,SU Zhong-bi,ZHU Rui-zhi*
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1240-1245 [Abstract(2255)]  [View PDF 598.83 K (1027)]
Magnetic Affinity Immunoassay Based on Gold-magnetic Particle and HRP-conjugated Phage Antibody
  MU Xi-hui,TONG Zhao-yang*,HUANG Qi-bin,LIU Bing,LIU Zhi-wei,HAO Lan-qun,ZHANG Jin-ping
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1246-1252 [Abstract(2167)]  [View PDF 747.43 K (983)]
Preparation of Surface Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Based on CNTs/SiO2 and Its Application in Electrochemical Detecting Rutin
  TANG Ting,TANG Chuan-gui,ZENG Yan-bo*,LI Lei,PAN Yang-dan,XU Qi-xiang,XIAO Ping-xiu,YE Bing-qing
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1253-1258 [Abstract(2739)]  [View PDF 943.13 K (1355)]


Analysis of Low Abundance Proteome from Chicken Egg White by CPLL
  LIU Yi-jun,QIU Ning,MA Mei-hu1*
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1259-1265 [Abstract(2193)]  [View PDF 831.18 K (1111)]
Fabrication and Application of Reflective SPR Optical Fiber Biosensors Based on Silver Film
  CHEN Jiang-ping,SU Rong-xin*,QI Wei,HUANG Ren-liang,WANG Meng-fan,HE Zhi-min
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1266-1270 [Abstract(2253)]  [View PDF 634.12 K (985)]
Determination of Ammonia Nitrogen in Natural Water Sample Using Solid-phase Fluorescence Spectrometry Based on OPA-NH3-Sulfite Reaction
  YAN Chun-mei,LIU Xin,LIANG Ying*,YIN Shi-min
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1271-1275 [Abstract(2416)]  [View PDF 530.12 K (918)]
Determination of Ethylenethiourea Residues in Fruits Using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  YE Meng-liang,NIE Ji-yun*,XU Guo-feng,YAN Zhen,ZHENG Li-jing,LI Zhi-xia
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1276-1280 [Abstract(2346)]  [View PDF 716.83 K (1069)]
Determination of Lead and Cadmium in Rice by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy after Separation and Preconcentration Using Crosslinked β-Cyclodextrin Modified with TETA
  XIAO Yan,ZHOU Fang-qin*,PENG Jia,LIAO Yun-xia
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1281-1285 [Abstract(2181)]  [View PDF 714.23 K (1336)]
Preparation of a Silica based Sulfonated Hypercrosslinked Polystyrene-Divinylbenzene Strong Cation exchanger
  ZHANG Fei,CAI Da-chuan,ZHENG Jia-gai,PAN Can-sheng,ZENG Zhi-jian,ZUO Xiong-jun*
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1286-1290 [Abstract(2258)]  [View PDF 588.39 K (1354)]
Simultaneous Determination of Furfural,5-Hydroxymethylfurfural and 5-Methylfurfural in Cigarette Fragrances by Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography
  REN Hu-bo,BIE Zhen-ying,ZHU You,WEI Yi-pei,CHEN Yu-song,LUO Xu,ZHANG Fu-min,JI Li-shun*
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1291-1295 [Abstract(2284)]  [View PDF 538.42 K (1108)]
Determination of Mineral Nutrients in Milk Powder by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
  WANG Qian*,WANG Hai-bo,XU Xiao-li,FANG Ke-teng
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1296-1301 [Abstract(2144)]  [View PDF 643.42 K (1023)]
Determination of Iodo-trihalomethane in Drinking Water by Gas Chromatography
  LI Zhen-lin,ZHAO Fang,MA Ya-hong,QIN Tai-sheng,DONG Hui-yu,LIU Shao-gang*,TAN Xue-cai,DIAO Kai-sheng
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1302-1306 [Abstract(2470)]  [View PDF 530.54 K (1076)]


Determination of Cefepime by Luminol-K3[Fe(CN)6] Flow Injection Chemiluminescence System
  YU Hong-song,ZHAI Qian,LI Xiao-lu,GUO Jing,YI Gang*
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1307-1310 [Abstract(2427)]  [View PDF 624.95 K (1321)]
Simultaneous Determination of Six Pyrazole Fungicides in Grape Wine by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  CHEN Xiang-zhun,XIA Bi-qi,HUANG Fu-zhen,CHENG Jie,SHEN Yan,HAN Chao*
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1311-1314 [Abstract(2138)]  [View PDF 433.00 K (1015)]


Novel Pretreatment Methods for the Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Foods
  CHEN Zi-jian,WANG Yu,LI Mei-ying,SUN Yuan-ming,XU Zhen-lin*
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1315-1323 [Abstract(2476)]  [View PDF 905.59 K (1189)]
Drug Screening New Technologies and Their Applications
  LIU Cui,YANG Shu-cheng,LI Min,LIU Pei-qing*,CHEN Zuan-guang*,ZHANG Ren-wei
  Published 11月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(11):1324-1330 [Abstract(2597)]  [View PDF 802.27 K (1021)]