Volume 33,Issue 2,2014 Table of Contents

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New Techniques in Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicines and Their Quality Control
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):119-126 [Abstract(3390)]  [View PDF 3.59 M (1113)]
Analysis of Effect of Light Intensity on the Volatile Components in Houttuynia cordata Thunb by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Combined with Chemometric Methods
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):127-132 [Abstract(2570)]  [View PDF 2.13 M (1121)]
Separation of Glucoside Compounds by Reversed-phase and Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):133-137 [Abstract(2751)]  [View PDF 1.59 M (1231)]
Fluorescent Properties of Arctiin and Arctigenin and Fluorimetric Analysis of Arctiin in Traditional Chinese Medicine Arctii Fructus
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):138-143 [Abstract(2724)]  [View PDF 1.91 M (1203)]
Chemical Components Identification and Fingerprint Analysis of Bansha Herbal Tea Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Mass Spectrometry
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):144-149 [Abstract(2777)]  [View PDF 1.86 M (1217)]
Electrochemical Behaviors and Its Electrochemical Determination of Paeonol at APTS and [BnMIM]PF6 Modified Carbon Paste Electrode
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):150-155 [Abstract(2348)]  [View PDF 1.85 M (1071)]
Simultaneous Determination of Monomethyl Fumarate and Dimethyl Fumarate in Chinese Herbal Medicine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):156-160 [Abstract(2893)]  [View PDF 1.61 M (1226)]


A Label-free Electrochemical Immunosensor for Okadaic Acid Detection Based on Polythionine/Methylene Blue and Gold Nanoparticles
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):161-166 [Abstract(2609)]  [View PDF 2.05 M (1370)]
Determination of Fumonisins in Cereals Using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):167-172 [Abstract(2714)]  [View PDF 2.05 M (1074)]
Property,Inhibitor and Application of Oxidase Mimics Based on Manganese Dioxide Nanotube
  董玉明*,张晶晶,王光丽*,曹丽华 ,何重辉 ,蒋平平
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):173-178 [Abstract(2190)]  [View PDF 1.63 M (1086)]
Investigation on Interaction between 2,3,3′-Trichloro Biphenyl and Human Serum Albumin by Computer Simulation and Spectroscopy
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):179-184 [Abstract(2276)]  [View PDF 1.93 M (1157)]
Investigation on Identification of Nanfeng Orange Extracts by Low-temperature Enrichment Coupled with GC-MS
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):185-191 [Abstract(2380)]  [View PDF 1.88 M (1066)]
Determination of Pyrethroid Residue in Cabbage by Gas Chromatography Combined with Dispersive Solid-phase Extraction and Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Extraction
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):192-196 [Abstract(2515)]  [View PDF 1.80 M (1241)]


Determination of Residues of Carbamates and Their Metabolites in Ginger by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):197-202 [Abstract(2951)]  [View PDF 1.94 M (1129)]
Determination of Aliphatic Amines by High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Indirect Ultraviolet Detection
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):203-207 [Abstract(2333)]  [View PDF 1.58 M (1127)]
Simultaneous Determination of 4 Spice in Infant Formula Samples by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):208-211 [Abstract(2546)]  [View PDF 1.50 M (1164)]
Determination of Chlorpromazine Using Ru(bpy)2+3 ElectrochemiluminescenceBased on a Graphene Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):212-216 [Abstract(2946)]  [View PDF 1.55 M (1126)]
Label-free Aptasensor Array for Determination of Thrombin
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):217-221 [Abstract(2527)]  [View PDF 1.70 M (1234)]
Preparation of Flower-like Gold Nanoparticle with Controlled Morphology and Size through Step by Step Seeding Approach
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):222-226 [Abstract(2490)]  [View PDF 1.64 M (1101)]
Determination of Benzoquanmine in Liquid Products of Milk by LC-MS/MS
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):227-230 [Abstract(2407)]  [View PDF 1.21 M (1208)]


Preparation and Application of Magnetic Nanoparticles Dealing with Heavy Metal Ions
  Published 2月 25日, 2014
  2014,33(2):231-238 [Abstract(2391)]  [View PDF 3.07 M (1285)]