Volume 41,Issue 2,2022 Table of Contents

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Study on Difference of Tea Cultivars Planted in Xinyang by Non-targeted Metabolomics with Chemometrics Based on Ultrahigh Performance Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
  LI Shu-fang,LIU Ji-hong,YIN Hai-yan,LIU Dong-mei,GUO Xiao-meng,YANG Ya-qin,WANG Hui-feng,YU Yong-jie
  2022,41(2):149-155 [Abstract(1518)]  [View PDF 2.08 M (853)]
Application of Ion Imprinted Covalent Organic Framework in the Adsorption of Rhenium as a Substitute for Technetium
  HE Jia-hua,LIU Yang-yang,ZHU De-rong,LIU Jia-wei,LI YIN Zheng-xi,CUI An-qi,YE Jun-bi,WU Xiao-yi,SUN Hui
  2022,41(2):156-163 [Abstract(1261)]  [View PDF 5.24 M (1026)]
Detection of Bisphenols Compounds in Water by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction Based on Ce-Doped DUT-52 Metal Organic Framework
  GUO Li-nan,WANG Ya-hui,YAN Meng,JI Qian-qian,JIANG Xin-yao,WANG Man-man,WANG Qian,HAO Yu-lan
  2022,41(2):164-171 [Abstract(1091)]  [View PDF 5.63 M (620)]
Determination of Sulfonamides and Quinolones Antibiotics Residues in Water Samples by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry with Mixed Adsorbents Based Magnetic Solid Phase Extraction
  2022,41(2):187-195 [Abstract(1067)]  [View PDF 5.58 M (647)]
Analysis of 21 Antiknock Additives in Gasoline by Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography-Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry
  LIU Yi-long,XUE Qiu-hong,GUAN Xiao-qian,WANG Kai-ge,FENG Zhen-zhen,ZHOU Long-long,WANG Qun-wei
  2022,41(2):196-203 [Abstract(1055)]  [View PDF 853.09 K (725)]
One-step Hydrothermal Synthesis of Nitrogen-doped Carbon Dots for Fe3+ Detection and Their Application in Cellular Imaging
  QI Hai-yan,HUANG De-min,YI Tong-hui,LIU Li-kun,LIU Chun-tong
  2022,41(2):204-212 [Abstract(1140)]  [View PDF 9.28 M (720)]
Construction and Bioactivity Analysis of Fusion Protein of Polyvalent Anti-aflatoxin B1 Nanobody
  SHUAI Wen-yuan,HE Qing-hua,ZHONG Yin-feng,HUANG Yun-xiang,ZHANG Hang,LIU Chuan-yong,ZHANG Le-ping,TU Zhui
  2022,41(2):213-219 [Abstract(1117)]  [View PDF 4.21 M (557)]
Determination of 6 Analgesic Drugs in Cosmetics by Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  DONG Ya-lei,QIAO Ya-sen,HUANG Chuan-feng,WANG Hai-yan,SUN Lei
  2022,41(2):220-226 [Abstract(1376)]  [View PDF 1.48 M (813)]
Determination of 29 β2-agonists in Dried Blood Spots by Ultra-high Performance?Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  ZHAO Peng,CHANG Jing,WU Xiao-jun,DONG Lin-pe,LIU Bing-jie,ZHANG Yun-feng
  2022,41(2):227-233 [Abstract(1037)]  [View PDF 3.98 M (640)]
Determination of Organic Halides in Textiles by Ion Chromatography Method with High Temperature Combustion and Water Vapor Absorption
  CAO Li-hua,DING You-chao,ZHANG Xiu,GU Cong-ying,ZHOU Jia,QIAN Kai,TANG Juan
  2022,41(2):234-241 [Abstract(1374)]  [View PDF 1.13 M (862)]


Solid-phase Extraction of Cu(Ⅱ),Zn(Ⅱ),Cr(Ⅲ),Cd(Ⅱ) and Pb(Ⅱ) Ions in Chicken Feed Based on Polyvinylpyrrolidone Functionalized Magnetic Graphene Oxide
  QIU Su-yan,YU Xi-ren,DONG,Yi-fan,WEI Yi-hua,HUANG Qin,ZHANG Da-wen
  2022,41(2):242-248 [Abstract(1079)]  [View PDF 3.89 M (545)]
Synthesis of a Carboxyl-functionalized Magnetic Carbon Nanotube and Its Extraction for Clenbuterol in Pork Samples
  LIAN Li-li,CHEN Bai-sen,DENG Yi-hui,WANG Xi-yue,ZHANG Ling-he,LOU Da-wei
  2022,41(2):249-254 [Abstract(1300)]  [View PDF 6.92 M (610)]
Study on a New Method for Determination of Luteolin Concentration through Water Spectra
  FENG Yu-long,HE Xiao-gang,HAN Xiang,YU Jia-ping,CHU Gang-hui
  2022,41(2):255-260 [Abstract(1058)]  [View PDF 2.96 M (955)]
Simultaneous Determination of Ethephon and 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy-Acetic Acid in Vegetables by Centrifugal Ultrafiltration/Ion Chromatography- Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
  LU Si-jia,YANG Rui-qin,YU Su-hua,WANG Yong
  2022,41(2):261-265 [Abstract(1089)]  [View PDF 1.17 M (567)]
Analysis of Hydrogen Deuterium Components by Micro Gas Chromatography
  LIU Zhen-xing,YANG Hong-guang,ZHAO Wei-wei,YANG Li-ling
  2022,41(2):266-270 [Abstract(1005)]  [View PDF 1.05 M (879)]
Detection of 7 Volatile Sulfur Compounds in Plastic Track Surface by Ultrasonic Extraction-HS-SPME/GC-MS Technique
  YE Yuan-jian,ZHENG Yu,CAI Jin-an,LIU Hai-yan,LU Jia-jun,LI Xiao-zeng,CHEN Wei-li
  2022,41(2):271-275 [Abstract(1017)]  [View PDF 596.79 K (672)]
Non-destructive Classification of Psychotropic Drugs Based on Spectroscopy from the Perspective of Public Security
  LI Jia-rui,WANG Ji-fen,LIU Jin-tong
  2022,41(2):276-282 [Abstract(1022)]  [View PDF 8.49 M (440)]


Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometry Techniques and Their Applications
  WANG Wei-guo,HUANG Wei,RUAN Hui-wen,XU Chu-ting,YANG Jun-chao,LI Bin,LI Hai-yang
  2022,41(2):283-289 [Abstract(1275)]  [View PDF 7.02 M (868)]
Recent Progress in Sensing Performance Improvement Strategy Design via Inner Filter Effect for Improvised Explosive Potassium Permanganate Detection
  WAN Zhi-xin,CAI Zhen-zhen,DOU Xin-cun
  2022,41(2):290-298 [Abstract(1325)]  [View PDF 11.10 M (376)]