Volume 35,Issue 3,2016 Table of Contents

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Rapid Screening and Confirmation of Perfluorinated Compounds in Textiles by Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction Coupled with High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Ion Trap-Time of Flight-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  WANG Mei-ling,DAI Jie-yun,CHENG Jing,ZHAO Xiao-ya,NIU Zeng-yuan,YAN Hong-fei,LI Yong-jun*
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):257-263 [Abstract(2168)]  [View PDF 1.61 M (1564)]
Simultaneous Determination of 10 Synthetic Cannabinoids in Novel “Spice” Drugs by HPLC-MS/MS
  ZHANG Chun-shui,ZHAI Wan-feng*
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):264-270 [Abstract(2410)]  [View PDF 1.45 M (1474)]
Preparation and Evaluation of DDT Monoclonal Antibody
  YANG Xing-xing,BI Si-yuan,ZHU Hai,GU Da-yong*
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):271-276 [Abstract(2384)]  [View PDF 1.27 M (1434)]
Study on Interaction between Antitumor Drug and DNA by Three-dimensionally Ordered Gold-nanoparticle-doped Titanium Dioxide Modified Electrode
  PENG Xin-sheng,ZHU Li-li,LIU Yan-rui,DU Jiang-yan*
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):277-284 [Abstract(2208)]  [View PDF 1.87 M (1444)]
Rapid and Simultaneous Analysis of 11 Adulterated Drugs in Herbal Tea by HPLC
  WEN Jia-xin*,CHEN Lin,LAI Yu-hong,LEI Yi
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):285-291 [Abstract(2489)]  [View PDF 1.59 M (1554)]
Electrochemical Behavior and Sensitive Detection of Rutin on Tannic Acid Functionalized Graphene Modified Electrode
  LI Hui-ming,ZHANG Hui-yi,LAI Xiang-wen,LIANG Li,LIU Kun-ping*,GOU Xiao-jun*
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):292-298 [Abstract(2158)]  [View PDF 1.60 M (1251)]
A Miniaturized Aflatoxin Analyzer Based on LED induced Fluorescence Detector
  XU Jing*,ZHANG Ning,TIAN Hong-zhe,WANG Dan ,LI Yan ,LIU Hui-ying,CAO Ji-juan*
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):299-304 [Abstract(2337)]  [View PDF 1.34 M (1367)]


Rapid Analysis of Perfluorinated Compounds in Coastal and Estuarine Seawater by SPE Enrichment with Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  HUANG Dong-ren,WEN Yu-yun,CHEN Zhi-hua,LI Rong-li,GONG Zhen-bin*
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):305-310 [Abstract(2345)]  [View PDF 1.43 M (1288)]
Determination of Furoic Acid in Transformer Oil by Using Reversed Phase Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Coupled with High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  LI Hai-yan*,ZHANG Wei-jie,HE Meng,HE Ze-yu
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):311-316 [Abstract(2227)]  [View PDF 1.41 M (1277)]
Sensitive Determination of Tertiary Butyl Hydroquinone at Eosin Y Film Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode
  TANG Jing*,ZHENG Sheng-biao,WANG Wei,ZHANG Yan,SONG Chang-chun
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):317-321 [Abstract(2193)]  [View PDF 1.19 M (1361)]
Simultaneous Determination of Six Estrogens in Feed by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  LIN Xiao-li*,LI Ning,HUO Feng,DONG Yan-feng,PENG Wei
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):322-326 [Abstract(2230)]  [View PDF 1.18 M (1516)]
Determination of Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3 in Dairy Products by HPLC-APCI(+)-MS/ MS
  HUO Yan-min*,WANG Jun,DUAN Wen-zeng*,XUE Xia,WANG Yan-li,YU Wen-jiang
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):327-331 [Abstract(2288)]  [View PDF 1.14 M (1238)]
Analysis of Stearic Acid Modified β-TCP and Its PLLA Composite Nanofiber Membranes Properties
  CHEN Sai,MA Feng-cang*,GENG Fang,LIU Ping,LIU Xin-kuan,LI Wei
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):332-336 [Abstract(2144)]  [View PDF 1.13 M (1278)]
Rapid Determination of Benzalkonium Chloride in Eye Drops with Ultraviolet Spectrum Based on Oblique Projection and Space Angle Criterion
  YANG Xiang-ni,YAO Zhi-xiang*,SU Hui,LIU Liu
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):337-341 [Abstract(2251)]  [View PDF 1.12 M (1225)]
Determination of Salicin,a Characteristic Component of Poplar Tree Gumby HPLC-LTQ-Orbitrap High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
  ZHAO Xiao-ya*,FU Xiao-fang,LI Jing,WANG Peng,YE Cheng,SHANG Yin-zhu,ZHENG Xi-yue
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):342-346 [Abstract(2098)]  [View PDF 1009.99 K (1347)]


Rapid Detection of Trace Amount 2-Naphthol in Tapwater by Membrane Enrichment-UV Spectrometry
  LI Long,WANG Hai-ting,MIAO Wen-bin,WANG Lei,JIANG Wei,WU Ting*
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):347-350 [Abstract(2771)]  [View PDF 915.08 K (1324)]
Analytical Method for Determination of Dinotefuran Residues in Rice and Soil by SPE/HPLC-MS/MS
  WANG Dong-lan*,JIAN Qiu,ZHENG Zun-tao,SONG Wen-cheng,SUN Xing,ZHU Hong,YANG Bang-bao
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):351-354 [Abstract(2503)]  [View PDF 1018.84 K (1457)]
Determination of Perchlorate in Fruits by Solid Phase Extraction/18O Labeled Perchlorate Dilution High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  WU Ying-xuan*,LIN Feng,YAO Yang-xun,SHAO Lin-zhi,OUYANG Shao-lun
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):355-358 [Abstract(2365)]  [View PDF 1.03 M (1402)]


Progress in Determination Methods of Heavy Metals in Tobacco Products and Smoke
  CHEN Xi,REN Ting,ZHAO Li-jiao*,ZHONG Ru-gang
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):359-366 [Abstract(2288)]  [View PDF 2.06 M (1204)]
Advance in 1-Phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone(PMP) Derivatization Analysis of Carbohydrates
  ZHANG Lu-yao,ZHAO Xia*,CHEN Huan-huan
  Published 3月 25日, 2016
  2016,35(3):367-372 [Abstract(2349)]  [View PDF 1.35 M (1631)]