Volume 31,Issue 7,2012 Table of Contents

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Development of a Surface Sampling Probe Method Detected with Air Flow-assisted Ionization Mass Spectrometry for the Distribution of Drug in Rat Tissue
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):757-762 [Abstract(2602)]  [View PDF 1.97 M (1124)]
Rapid Detection of Trace Amounts of Nitroimidazoles and Their Metabolites in Honey Using Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Quadrupole/Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):763-770 [Abstract(2908)]  [View PDF 2.65 M (1218)]
Research and Implementation of Parallel PLS Algorithm Based on GPU Computing
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):771-778 [Abstract(2687)]  [View PDF 2.24 M (1079)]
Determination of Migration Levels of N-nitrosamines and N-nitrosatable Substances in Balloons and Carcinogenic Risk Exposure Level of NDMA in Balloon to Children
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):779-784 [Abstract(2955)]  [View PDF 2.07 M (1371)]
Study on Thermal Decomposition Mechanism and Kinetics of Rutin by Thermal Analysis and Molecular Simulation
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):785-791 [Abstract(2395)]  [View PDF 1.98 M (1158)]
Fabrication of Glucose Biosensor Enhanced by Au Nanoparticles
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):792-796 [Abstract(3209)]  [View PDF 1.60 M (1094)]
A Fast Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Salivary Nicotine and Its Metabolites at Different Smoking Levels by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):797-803 [Abstract(2376)]  [View PDF 2.02 M (1017)]
Purification and Detection of Selenoprotein-P in Human Plasma by Affinity Chromatography-HG-AFS
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):804-809 [Abstract(2693)]  [View PDF 1.97 M (1020)]


Determination of the Active Components in Flos Lonicerae by Microwave Assistant Extraction Combined with High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):810-815 [Abstract(2747)]  [View PDF 1.82 M (1222)]
Determination of Six Flavoring Characteristic Compounds by GC-MS and Its Evaluation on the Flavoring Uniformity in Cigarette
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):816-822 [Abstract(2339)]  [View PDF 1.96 M (1243)]
Preparation of Silica-coated Magnetic Nanomaterials Modified with Ionic Liquid and Its Application in Detection of Trace Cadmium Ion in Water
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):823-827 [Abstract(2706)]  [View PDF 1.65 M (1143)]
A Novel Amperometric Hydrogen Peroxide Biosensor Based on Thionine-Carbon Nanotube Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):828-832 [Abstract(2603)]  [View PDF 1.48 M (1090)]
Determination of Tralomethrin Residues in Plant-based Foods by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):833-837 [Abstract(3086)]  [View PDF 1.64 M (1109)]
Study on the Ratiometric Fluorescence Detection of Zn2+ Based on Surfactant Solubilization
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):838-842 [Abstract(2807)]  [View PDF 1.46 M (1224)]
Ultrasensitive α-Fetoprotein Immunosensor Based on Electrochemical Stripping Analysis of Silver Deposition
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):843-847 [Abstract(2733)]  [View PDF 1.57 M (1139)]
Simultaneous Determination of Bisphenol A,Octylphenol and Nonylphenol in Skin Care Cosmetics by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):848-852 [Abstract(2962)]  [View PDF 1.53 M (1347)]
Selective and Sensitive Determination of Uric Acid on PABSA/GN Composite-modified Glassy Carbon Electrode
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):853-857 [Abstract(2497)]  [View PDF 1.81 M (997)]
Sensitive Determination of Melamine by Field Enhanced Sample Injection-Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Technique
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):858-862 [Abstract(2436)]  [View PDF 1.63 M (1029)]
Optimization of Calibration Curve Conditions for Determination of Thymosin Molecular Weight by Size Exclusion Chromatography
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):863-867 [Abstract(2289)]  [View PDF 1.54 M (1079)]
Study on Electrochemical Behavior of Controllable Interface Alkanethiols Selfassembled Monolayers and Au Nanoparticles Modified Gold Electrode
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):868-872 [Abstract(2549)]  [View PDF 1.58 M (1185)]
Determination of Paracetamol in Pharmaceuticals by Fe3+-H2O2-Dichlorofluorescein Chemiluminescence System
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):873-876 [Abstract(2326)]  [View PDF 1.24 M (929)]
Determination of 2,3-Butanediol Isomers in Irradiated Liquor Using Chiral Capillary Column with Gas Chromatography
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):877-880 [Abstract(2447)]  [View PDF 1.28 M (1315)]


Development Progress of Immobilized Chiral Stationary Phases Based on Polysaccharide Derivatives
  Published 7月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(7):881-890 [Abstract(2302)]  [View PDF 2.69 M (1148)]