Volume 31,Issue 8,2012 Table of Contents

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Study on Interaction between Lysozyme and Hydroxy-functionalized Ionic Liquids
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):891-896 [Abstract(2580)]  [View PDF 2.54 M (1061)]
A New Method for Determination of Mercury Ions Based on the Fluorescence Quenching of Phycocyanin from Spirulina Platensis
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):897-902 [Abstract(2735)]  [View PDF 1.84 M (1171)]
Determination of Lead Isotopic Ratios in Corals by Anion Exchange Resin Technique and High Resolution Inductively
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):903-908 [Abstract(2436)]  [View PDF 1.81 M (1270)]
Determination and Confirmation of Five Organotin Compounds in Textiles by Gas Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):909-914 [Abstract(3180)]  [View PDF 1.65 M (1255)]
Electrochemical Determination of the Flavonoid:Rutin Using a Mesoporous Carbon Nanofiber-modified Electrode
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):915-921 [Abstract(2299)]  [View PDF 2.13 M (1235)]
Development of a Radio Frequency Power Supply for Radio Frequency Quadrupole in Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometer
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):922-927 [Abstract(2491)]  [View PDF 1.85 M (1099)]
Label-free Quantitation of Protein Based on Quadrupole-time of Flight Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):928-932 [Abstract(2568)]  [View PDF 1.66 M (1139)]


Determination of Oxidized Triacylglycerol Polymers by Preparative Flash Chromatography and High-performance Size-exclusion Chromatography
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):933-939 [Abstract(2539)]  [View PDF 2.16 M (1273)]
Detection of Organophosphate Pesticides with Electrochemical Biosensors Based on Layer-by-layer Self-assembly Acetylcholinesterase and Gold Nanoparticles
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):940-944 [Abstract(3299)]  [View PDF 1.56 M (1405)]
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of 11 Sulfonamides in Veterinary Pharmaceutical Powder by HPLC-Diode Array Detector
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):945-950 [Abstract(2497)]  [View PDF 2.19 M (1132)]
Study on the Interaction of Triclosan with Human Tumor Related DNA by Spectroscopic Methods
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):951-956 [Abstract(2206)]  [View PDF 1.75 M (1112)]
Determination of Galanthamine,Lycoramine and Lycorine in Lycoris radiate by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):957-961 [Abstract(2537)]  [View PDF 1.79 M (1180)]
Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Salbutamol at SDBS Self-assembled Monolayers and [BnMIM]PF6 Modified Carbon Paste Electrode and Its Electrochemical Determination
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):962-966 [Abstract(2658)]  [View PDF 1.52 M (1018)]
Determination of Zinc 4-Hydroxybenzene Sulphonate in Cosmetics by Ion-pair Chromatography
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):967-971 [Abstract(2194)]  [View PDF 1.62 M (1163)]
Separation and Quantification of Major Protein in Yak Milk by High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):972-976 [Abstract(2630)]  [View PDF 1.61 M (1032)]
Determination of Ephedrine and Pseudoephedrine in Ephedra Herb by Capillary Electrophoresis/LED Induced Fluorescence Detector
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):977-981 [Abstract(2596)]  [View PDF 1.53 M (1259)]
Study on Synthesis of Dihydromyricetin-Zinc Complex and Its Interaction with DNA
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):982-986 [Abstract(2248)]  [View PDF 1.54 M (1130)]
Determination of Phytosterols in Vegetable Oils by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):987-991 [Abstract(4472)]  [View PDF 1.36 M (1389)]
Simultaneous Determination of Five Effective Components in Xiaoshuantongluo Tablet by Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):992-995 [Abstract(2422)]  [View PDF 1.36 M (1071)]
Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering Study of Dimethoate Coating
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):996-1000 [Abstract(2657)]  [View PDF 1.50 M (1476)]
Selective Determination of Methylmercury Ion in Aqueous Media with Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Fluorescent Sensor
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):1001-1004 [Abstract(3174)]  [View PDF 1.22 M (1425)]


Determination of Five Antihistamine Residues in Cosmetics by SPE/HPLC
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):1005-1008 [Abstract(2143)]  [View PDF 1.18 M (1194)]
Determination of Nine Life Elements in Pine Pollen by Total Reflection X ray Fluorescence
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):1009-1012 [Abstract(2464)]  [View PDF 1.16 M (1194)]
Determination of Maleic Acid and Maleic Anhydride in Starch Products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  Published 8月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(8):1013-1016 [Abstract(4877)]  [View PDF 1.19 M (1186)]