Volume 31,Issue 11,2012 Table of Contents

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Determination of Three Furfurals in Condimen by Gas Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1345-1351 [Abstract(3552)]  [View PDF 1.67 M (1490)]
Electrochemical Analysis on the Interaction of Polymyxin B with Phosphatidylserine and Comparison to Other Phospholipids
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1352-1357 [Abstract(2773)]  [View PDF 2.31 M (1250)]
Determination of Chlordimeform and Its Metabolite 4-Chloro-2-methylaniline Residues in Animal Derived Foods by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1358-1364 [Abstract(2642)]  [View PDF 2.49 M (1342)]
Determination of Oil Quality by LF-NMR:Optimization of Measurement Parameters
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1365-1372 [Abstract(2866)]  [View PDF 2.69 M (1204)]
Determination of Phenoxyacid Herbicides in Agricultural Products by Solid Phase Extraction Using Modified Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes as Adsorbent
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1373-1378 [Abstract(3093)]  [View PDF 2.00 M (1185)]


Study on Determination of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in Cannabis by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1379-1384 [Abstract(2675)]  [View PDF 1.93 M (1174)]
Characterization of the Interaction of Amlodipine with BSA by Spectral and Modeling Approach
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1385-1389 [Abstract(2902)]  [View PDF 1.42 M (1083)]
A Rapid Method for Screening and Semi-quantitation on Organic Pollutants in Water Samples
  张利飞 ,中川胜博,周丽,董亮,史双昕,黄业茹
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1390-1395 [Abstract(2501)]  [View PDF 1.89 M (1126)]
Simultaneous Determination of Chloramphenicol,Thiamphenicol and Florfenicol Residues in Feedstuff by Isotope Dillution High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1396-1400 [Abstract(3061)]  [View PDF 1.96 M (1399)]
Synthesis of Thiophene Molecularly Imprinted Polymer and Its Molecule Recognition Capability
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1401-1405 [Abstract(3763)]  [View PDF 1.59 M (1386)]
Determination of H2S in Main Stream Smoke of Cigarette by Methylene Blue-HPLC Method
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1406-1410 [Abstract(2942)]  [View PDF 1.57 M (1313)]
Determination of Monosaccharide and Disaccharide in Soy Sauce by Ion Chromatography
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1411-1415 [Abstract(2704)]  [View PDF 1.51 M (1140)]
Determination of Metabolite Residue of Nifursol in Animal Tissue by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1416-1420 [Abstract(3011)]  [View PDF 1.24 M (1330)]
Oil Fingerprint Analysis of Bicyclic Sesquiterpanes by Internal Standard Method and Oil Identification
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1421-1425 [Abstract(2159)]  [View PDF 1.78 M (1182)]
Electrochemical Determination of Methotrexate at Gold Nanoparticles Modified Carbon Paste Electrode and Its Interaction with Herring Sperm DNA
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1426-1430 [Abstract(2725)]  [View PDF 1.66 M (1301)]
Determination of Gastrodin in Gastrodia Elata Blume Using Mahalanobis Distance,Savitzky-Golay Smoothing and Differentiation,SIMPLS Combining with Ultraviolet-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1431-1435 [Abstract(3035)]  [View PDF 1.55 M (1255)]
Quantitative Determination of Quercetin-3-O-β-D-glucuronide and Quercetin in Polygonum Perfoliatum L. by HPLC
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1436-1440 [Abstract(2665)]  [View PDF 1.59 M (1155)]
Simultaneous Determination of Three Keto Ageing Compounds in Beer by DLLME/HPLC
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1441-1445 [Abstract(2670)]  [View PDF 1.35 M (1122)]


Determination of 1,4-Dioxane Residues in Synthetic Detergents and Cosmetics by Headspace/Gas Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1446-1450 [Abstract(2844)]  [View PDF 1.38 M (1272)]
Determination of Vitamin K1 in Cosmetics by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1451-1454 [Abstract(2969)]  [View PDF 1.15 M (1192)]
Establishment of a Reporter Gene-based Assay for Identification of Estrogenic Compounds in HeLa Cells and Its Application in Detection of Aquatis Products
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1455-1459 [Abstract(2494)]  [View PDF 1.63 M (1159)]
Study on Flow Injection Spectrophotometry Determination of Free Chlorine in Running Water
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1460-1463 [Abstract(2675)]  [View PDF 1.16 M (1210)]


Research Progress of Bioelectrochemical Sensors Based on Polypyrrole
  Published 11月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(11):1464-1470 [Abstract(2490)]  [View PDF 2.49 M (1190)]