Volume 34,Issue 4,2015 Table of Contents

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Determination of Pyrethroid Pesticide Residues in Environmental Water and Juice Samples by Graphene/Polydimethylsilane Fiber Assisted Headspace Solid-phase Microextraction Coupled with Gas Chromatography
  CUI Yan-hua,YAO Wei-xuan*,ZHANG Su-ling,WANG Hai-dong,ZHONG Fang-fang
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):375-380 [Abstract(2494)]  [View PDF 810.86 K (494)]
Determination of 4-Methylimidazole and 2-Methylimidazole in Soy Sauce by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Quadrupole/Electrostatic Field Orbitrap High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
  LIU Yun*,DING Tao,FEI Xiao-qing,LIN Hong,SHEN Chong-yu,WU Bin, ZHANG Rui,TAN Meng-ru
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):381-387 [Abstract(2429)]  [View PDF 758.96 K (504)]
Simultaneous Determination of 20 Kinds of Hormones Residues in Beef and Milk by Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
  ZHANG Xue-liang,LUO Yun-jing*,LU Yong,JIANG Jie,FENG Nan
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):388-394 [Abstract(2541)]  [View PDF 719.53 K (508)]
Determination of Adenosine Using Aptamer Biosensor with Toluidine Blue as Electrochemical Probe
  YANG Shao-ming*,LI Rui-qin,LI Hong,CHEN Yan-sheng,DING Su-you
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):395-400 [Abstract(2486)]  [View PDF 735.09 K (396)]
Determination of H2O2 Using Three-dimensionally Ordered Macroporous(3DOM) Gold-nanoparticle-doped Titanium Dioxide(GTD) Film Modified Electrode
  YU Jie-jing,HU Yue,PENG Xin-sheng,ZHU Li-li,DU Jiang-yan*
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):401-406 [Abstract(2357)]  [View PDF 1.02 M (398)]
Determination of Effect of Natural Products on Tyrosinase Activity by Flow Injection-Spectrophotometric Assay
  LUO Bi,LI Guo-zhu,WANG Li-jun,MENG Qing-yan,LU Ya-ling,LIU Wen-jie*
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):407-413 [Abstract(2399)]  [View PDF 968.18 K (482)]
Identification and Quantitative Analysis of Related Substances in α-Ketophenylalanine Calcium
  PAN Chen,FU Di,ZHANG Zhao-li,YANG Shuai-bing,XU Zhi-zhen,ZHANG Wen-qing,XIA Wei*
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):414-420 [Abstract(2465)]  [View PDF 794.41 K (437)]
Determination of 46 Pesticide Residues in Sulfur-containing Vegetables Using Solid-phase Extraction and Gas Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
  LI Ping-ping*,CHENG Jing,LE Yuan
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):421-427 [Abstract(2804)]  [View PDF 690.79 K (491)]


Detection of Alkylphenols by On-line Sample Stacking-Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography
  HUANG Ying*,CHEN Liang-ping,CHEN Guo-nan
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):428-432 [Abstract(2411)]  [View PDF 585.24 K (407)]
Phase Diagram of Microemulsion System and Its Application in Separation of Multi-component Drug by Liquid Chromatography
  CHEN Jia-min,FENG Xiao-hua,PAN Xiao-ling,HUANG Li-na,GAO Chong-kai,LI Ning*
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):433-437 [Abstract(2337)]  [View PDF 619.62 K (585)]
Determination of Pentachlorophenol in Environmental Water by LC-MS and Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction with Ionic Liquid
  MIN Jian-qing,CHEN Mei-lan,CHEN Xiao-hong,JIN Mi-cong*
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):438-442 [Abstract(2406)]  [View PDF 585.25 K (475)]
Simultaneous Determination of Nipagin Esters in Aquatic Products by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  CHEN Xiang-zhun,XIA Bi-qi,SHEN Xiang-ru,CHENG Jie,SHEN Yan,HAN Chao*
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):443-447 [Abstract(2382)]  [View PDF 527.02 K (433)]
Study on Pyrolyzed Behaviors of Star Anise Oil by On-line Pyrolysis/Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  LI Feng*,CHENG Xia,YE Rong-fei
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):448-452 [Abstract(2402)]  [View PDF 564.59 K (402)]
Study on Elemental Distribution of 64 Pistol Gunshot Residue Detected by μ-XRF
  LI Qian*,WEN Jin-feng,LIN Xian-wen,PENG Cong,WANG Zhao-hui,WANG Song-cai,XING Ruo-kui,HU Sun-lin
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):453-457 [Abstract(2654)]  [View PDF 1.19 M (409)]
Determination of Oxytetracycline in Food by Indirect Competitive Enzyme-linked Aptamer Assay
  TANG Zong-gui,LIU Chang-bin,LUO Xiao-ling,KANG Li-chao,SUN Feng-xia,LU Chun-xia*
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):458-462 [Abstract(2574)]  [View PDF 730.54 K (445)]
Determination of Streptomycin Residue in Cucumber by Using CdTe Quantum Dots as Fluorescence Probes
  YUAN Xiao-yun,WANG Tian-lun,GUAN Ting-ting,WANG Jin-long,HUANG Hao-wen,YI Shou-jun,TANG Chun-ran,ZENG Yun-long*
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):463-467 [Abstract(2371)]  [View PDF 577.49 K (416)]


Research Progress of Analysis Methods for Phenolic Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Environmental Water
  LIU Jun,XU Zhi-xiang,HUANG Bin*,GU Li-peng,MA Xiao-dong,WANG Bin,PAN Xue-jun
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):468-476 [Abstract(2355)]  [View PDF 1.05 M (482)]
Recent Advances of Microchip Electrophoresis in Clinical Application
  BAO James Jianmin,WANG Wen-tian,LI You-xin*
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):477-482 [Abstract(2487)]  [View PDF 847.87 K (432)]
Progress on Application of Microfluidic Chip in Food Safety Analysis
  DONG Liang,HUO Dan-qun,ZHOU Jun,MA Yi,FA Huan-bao,HOU Chang-jun*
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):483-487 [Abstract(2437)]  [View PDF 1.82 M (482)]
A Review on Approaches to Determination of Nanoparticles in Complex Samples
  WANG Su-juan,XIANG Da-peng,CHEN Wen-rui*,LIU Hong-tao*,LUAN Tian-gang,GONG Li,WEI Xiao-qun,LAI Zhi-hui
  Published 4月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(4):488-494 [Abstract(2340)]  [View PDF 857.79 K (485)]