Volume 32,Issue 6,2013 Table of Contents

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Relationship between Analytical Indicators of Soybean Oil and LF-NMR Characteristics During Frying Process
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):653-660 [Abstract(2615)]  [View PDF 2.88 M (1349)]
Comparison of Volatile Compounds in Different Maillard Reaction Productions from Chicken Bone Extract and Its Enzymatic Hydrolysate
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):661-667 [Abstract(3021)]  [View PDF 2.23 M (1483)]
Structure and Quantitative Analysis of Vitamin E Octenylsuccinate
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):668-674 [Abstract(2382)]  [View PDF 2.05 M (1233)]
Rapid Screening of β-Agonists Residues in Animal Tissue by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Quadrupole-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):675-680 [Abstract(2884)]  [View PDF 2.06 M (1266)]
Synthesis of 5-N-methyl-benzofuro[3,2-b]quinoline Derivatives and Spectroscopic Studies on These Derivatives as DNA Intercalators
  张瑞芳,卢宇靖 ,张瑞瑞 ,付成杰 ,汤志恺 ,张焜
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):681-686 [Abstract(2527)]  [View PDF 1.82 M (1111)]
Determination of 9 Acidic Dyes in Condiment by Liquid Chromatography-Ion Trap-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):687-692 [Abstract(2339)]  [View PDF 2.16 M (1046)]
Study on Determination of Hydroquinone Using Gold Nanoparticles/Nafion/Graphene Modified Glassy Carbon Electrodes
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):693-698 [Abstract(2519)]  [View PDF 1.82 M (1393)]
Simultaneous Determination of Six Chemical Drugs Illegally Added in Dietary Supplement by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):699-704 [Abstract(2656)]  [View PDF 1.75 M (1427)]


Determination of Morpholinium Ionic Liquid Cations by Ion Chromatography with Direct Conductivity Detection
  孙晓娇,于泓 ,张仁庆
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):705-709 [Abstract(2866)]  [View PDF 1.57 M (1276)]
Determination of Ciguatoxin Residues in Deep Sea Fish by Auto-SPE/High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):710-714 [Abstract(3578)]  [View PDF 1.52 M (1214)]
Determination of 4 Macrolide Antibiotics in Typical Waste Water and Activated Sludge Using HPLC-ESI-MS/MS
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):715-720 [Abstract(2423)]  [View PDF 1.98 M (1157)]
Determination of Sesamol in Food Flavors by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Based on Internal Standard
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):721-725 [Abstract(2732)]  [View PDF 1.62 M (1265)]
Preparation of a Kind of Magnetic Molecularly Imprinted Polymer toward Sudan I and Its Application in Separation of Sudan I
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):726-731 [Abstract(3097)]  [View PDF 1.70 M (1500)]
Determination of Paraben Esters in Cosmetics Based on Vector Deductible
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):732-736 [Abstract(3230)]  [View PDF 1.68 M (1179)]
Establishment of Chromatography Fingerprint of Engine Oil by HPLC
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):737-741 [Abstract(2275)]  [View PDF 1.61 M (1182)]
Rapid Determination of Caffeine in Milk Tea by Pseudo Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):742-746 [Abstract(2652)]  [View PDF 1.41 M (1073)]
Determination of 3-Nitropropionic Acid in Zymin by Solid Phase Extraction Coupled with Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):747-752 [Abstract(2749)]  [View PDF 1.82 M (1089)]
Synthesis,Characterization and Fluorescent Properties of (E)-2-[2-(4-Methoxyphenyl)ethenyl]-8-acetoxyquinoline
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):753-758 [Abstract(3173)]  [View PDF 1.64 M (1081)]
Synthesis of 1-(2-Benzothiazole)-3-(8-(5-p-sulfophenylazo))quinolinetriazene(BTSPQT) and Its Application in Determination of Copper(Ⅱ)
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):759-763 [Abstract(2233)]  [View PDF 1.50 M (1099)]


Simultaneous Determination of Four Tocopherols in Vegetable Oilsby Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):764-767 [Abstract(2945)]  [View PDF 1.21 M (1316)]
Determination of Vancomycin and Norvancomycin Residues in Milk and Dairy Products by Solid Phase Extraction/UPLC-MS/MS
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):768-771 [Abstract(2714)]  [View PDF 2.37 M (1181)]
Postsynthetic Covalent Modification of IRMOF-3 and Its Luminescence Properties
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):772-775 [Abstract(2323)]  [View PDF 1.14 M (1139)]


Research Progress of Sample Introduction Technique for Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry
  Published 6月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(6):776-782 [Abstract(2247)]  [View PDF 2.48 M (1230)]