Volume 34,Issue 7,2015 Table of Contents

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Synthesis and Application of Class-specific Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Triazine Pesticides
  DU Xin-wei,SHE Yong-xin*,LI Teng-fei,ZHANG Yan-xin,LIU Guang-yang,WANG Jing*,WANG Shan-shan,JIN Fen,JIN Mao-jun,SHAO Hua,ZHENG Lu-fei,CAO Wei-qiang
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):755-761 [Abstract(3136)]  [View PDF 3.53 M (1434)]
Analysis of Ricin in Complex Water Matrices by Magnetic Immunocapture Enrichment and HPLC-Q-TOF/MS
  LIANG Long-hui*,LIU Shi-lei*,YU Hui-lan,GAO Chuan,ZHOU Shi-kun
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):762-767 [Abstract(2565)]  [View PDF 1.01 M (1744)]
Preparation and Characterization of Ethopabate Imprinted Microspheres Based on an Oxidation-reduction Initiating System
  LI Zhao-zhou*,LI Zhi-li,CHEN Xiu-jin,LI Dao-min,GAO Hong-li,CAO Li,HOU Yu-ze,LI Song-biao,NIU Xiao-hui,ZHAO Zhen-wei,ZHAO Xiao-bo,CHEN Hui,CHEN Feng-ge
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):768-774 [Abstract(2978)]  [View PDF 1.96 M (2724)]
Studies on Interaction between Pentafluoropropioic Acid and Human Serum Albumin by Spectroscopy and Computional Simulations
  YI Zhong-sheng*,WANG Hai-yang,WU Zhi-wei,ZHANG Ai-qian
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):775-781 [Abstract(2433)]  [View PDF 3.29 M (1310)]
Rapid Identification of Volatile Compounds in Sesame Oil by Headspace Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry with Calibrated Lineshape Isotope Profile Search(CLIPs)
  MA Yu-song*,WANG Jing,AI Lian-feng,DOU Cai-yun,JIA Hai-tao,YU Meng
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):782-788 [Abstract(2509)]  [View PDF 926.45 K (1395)]
Rapid Detection of Adulterated Walnut Oil by Low Field-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Combined with Chemometric Method
  WANG Xiao-ling,WU Jing*,TAN Ming-qian*
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):789-794 [Abstract(2653)]  [View PDF 1.74 M (1409)]
Analysis of Theophylline and Its Metabolites in Human Urine by Precolumn Deri vatization Coupled with Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  YAO Zhi-hong*,WU Xiao-meng,SUN Lu,ZHONG Da-fang
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):795-801 [Abstract(2610)]  [View PDF 7.57 M (1210)]


Quick Determination of 16 β-Agonist Residues in Pig Urine by Turboflow Cation Online Solid Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  ZHU Wei-xia,YANG Ji-zhou,GUO Hui-ling,ZHANG Li,WANG Cai-juan,ZHANG Li
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):802-806 [Abstract(2465)]  [View PDF 1.00 M (1403)]
Determination of 18 Sulfonamide Residues in Pork by Modified QuEChERS/HPLC with Online Photochemical Derivatization and Fluorescence Detection
  XU Xu,GENG Dan-dan,XIAO Yuan-can*,HU Feng-zu*
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):807-812 [Abstract(2624)]  [View PDF 656.74 K (1344)]
Rapid Determination of Carotenoids in Spirulina Dietary Supplement Products by Ultra Performance Convergence Chromatography with Photodiode Array Detector
  LI Bing,ZHAO Hai-yan*,LIU Wei,FAN Sai,LI Li-ping,WU Guo-hua,XUE Ying,ZHAO Rong
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):813-818 [Abstract(2404)]  [View PDF 984.13 K (1424)]
Simultaneous Determination of Ribavirin and Its Main Metabolites in Chicken Plasma by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  ZHENG Xin,TANG Xiao-yan*,ZHOU Jian,QI Kai,WANG Min,YANG Meng-rui
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):819-823 [Abstract(2586)]  [View PDF 711.46 K (1325)]
Separation of Linalool Enantiomer with Ultra Performance Convergence Chromatography and Thermodynamic Studies
  WANG Bo,YAN Heng,WANG Su-jun,LIU A-jing,YANG Sheng-xin,ZHOU Wei
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):824-828 [Abstract(2449)]  [View PDF 551.87 K (1185)]
Simultaneous Determination of 5 Pesticide Residues in Vegetables by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry(UPLC-MS/MS)
  YI Xi-bin,LIANG Yu-shu,HUANG Xiao-qin,SUN Hui-zhen,JIANG Chu,LIU Shi-qi
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):829-835 [Abstract(2626)]  [View PDF 1.16 M (1312)]
Measurement of Equilibrium Constants between β-Cyclodextrin and Alkylphenols by UV Spectrophotometry and Capillary Electrophoresis
  CHEN Liang-ping,HUANG Ying
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):836-839 [Abstract(2387)]  [View PDF 543.89 K (1248)]
Rapid Determination of Three Methyltin Compounds in Wine by Headspace-gas Chromatography after In-situ Ethylation
  CUI Zong-yan, ZHOU Le, ZHAO Yu-qiang, SUN Yang, GE Na, LI A-dan, CAO Yan-zhong
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):840-843 [Abstract(2381)]  [View PDF 599.60 K (1177)]
Determination of Furan-2,5-dicarboxylic Acid in Beverages by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  WANG Hui,LI Sha,XIA Li-xin,PENG Xin-kai,LI Xi-hui,ZHOU Peng
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):844-847 [Abstract(2499)]  [View PDF 695.59 K (1626)]


Determination of Benzo(a)pyrene and Bisphenol A in Drinking Water by Solid Phase Extraction/High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  CHEN Dong-yang,FENG Jia-li,ZHANG Hao,ZENG Dong,DING Li,LI Bang-rui,LIU Xian-jun
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):848-851 [Abstract(2959)]  [View PDF 749.29 K (1363)]
Determination of Iodine in 45 Kinds of Food by Ashing-Gas Chromatographic Method
  LIN Chen,WANG Li-ping,WU Ling-tao,CAI Da-chuan,ZHANG Fang-yuan,LIN Ze-peng,FANG Li,LI Xue-ying
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):852-855 [Abstract(2359)]  [View PDF 517.73 K (1266)]
Study on 13C Solid-NMR Technique to Reveal the Organic Components of PM2.5
  ZHANG Xiang-yun,LI Jun,LIU Di,SHEN Kai-jun,ZHANG Gan
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):856-859 [Abstract(2293)]  [View PDF 704.27 K (1180)]


Research Progress on Ionic Liquid-based Magnetic Solid-phase Extraction
  LIU Qin,HE Li-jun,YANG Jun,FAN Lu,JIANG Xiu-ming
  Published 7月 25日, 2015
  2015,34(7):860-866 [Abstract(2532)]  [View PDF 1.41 M (1444)]