Volume 31,Issue 1,2012 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  


  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1) [Abstract(4402)]  [View PDF 1.57 M (1735)]


  高照; 吴侔天; 曹建民
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1) [Abstract(3105)]  [View PDF 2.61 M (1846)]
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1) [Abstract(2857)]  [View PDF 1.64 M (1405)]


  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1) [Abstract(3387)]  [View PDF 1.81 M (1735)]
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1) [Abstract(3216)]  [View PDF]


A Novel Method for the Identification of Gutter Oils Using SPME/GC-MS
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):1-6 [Abstract(4078)]  [View PDF 1.57 M (1803)]


Simultaneous and Rapid Screening of 39 Prohibited Drugs in Horse Feed Using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):7-14 [Abstract(2452)]  [View PDF 2.61 M (1489)]
Preparation and Application of Diazepam Molecularly Imprinted Polymers
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):15-21 [Abstract(2490)]  [View PDF 2.41 M (1601)]
Isolation,Identification and Thermal Decomposition Behavior of Two Ionol Glucopyranosides in Tobacco
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):22-28 [Abstract(2659)]  [View PDF 2.25 M (1519)]
Characterization of Micellization of Surfactants in Crowding by Low-field NMR
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):29-34 [Abstract(2835)]  [View PDF 2.36 M (1593)]
Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Glucose on Ni(OH)2/MWNT/CCE in Alkaline Solution
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):35-39 [Abstract(2960)]  [View PDF 1.47 M (1642)]
Separation and Assay of 7 Endocrine Disrupting Pesticides in Corn and Durra by Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Electrophoresis
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):40-44 [Abstract(2696)]  [View PDF 1.43 M (1509)]
Separation of Anthocyanins in Echinacea Purpurea Flower by High Speed Countercurrent Chromatography and the Research on the Antioxidant Activity of the Anthocyanins
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):45-50 [Abstract(2766)]  [View PDF 1.76 M (1632)]


Application of Magnetic Carbon-coated Iron Nanoparticles in Separation and Concentration of Heavy Metal Detection
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):51-55 [Abstract(2652)]  [View PDF 1.51 M (1574)]
Determination of Major Carbonyls in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):56-61 [Abstract(2907)]  [View PDF 1.87 M (1508)]
Determination of Sulfasalazine by Flow Injection On-line Oxidizing Fluorophotometric Method
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):62-65 [Abstract(2583)]  [View PDF 1.26 M (1600)]
Determination of Silicate in Cyclotella Meneghiniana Kiits Solution Using Nonsuppressed Conductance Detection Ion Chromatography
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):66-70 [Abstract(3377)]  [View PDF 1.43 M (1495)]
Structure-Activity Relationship of Four Flavonoids on Scavenging Activities to DPPH Free Radical
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):71-75 [Abstract(2648)]  [View PDF 1.64 M (1396)]
Analysis of Two Xanthones in Garcina Mangostana
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):76-80 [Abstract(2640)]  [View PDF 1.30 M (1501)]
Direct Chiral Separation of γ-Schizandrin Enantiomers by RP-HPLC Using Chiralcel OD-RH
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):81-84 [Abstract(2995)]  [View PDF 1.11 M (1515)]
Pretreatment and Determination of Thiocyanate Pollutant in Whole Milk Powder by Ion Chromatography/Conductivity Detection
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):85-89 [Abstract(2768)]  [View PDF 1.77 M (1730)]
Simultaneous Determination of Spiramycin and Neospiramycin in Antibiotic Production Wastewater by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):90-95 [Abstract(2743)]  [View PDF 1.64 M (1651)]
Determination of Celastrol by Lanthanide Sensitized Fluorescence Quenching on Terbium- Enoxacin-SDS
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):96-99 [Abstract(2988)]  [View PDF 1.22 M (1448)]
Sensitive Determination of Morin in Ramulus Mori on the Poly(p-aminobenzene sulfonic acid) Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):100-103 [Abstract(3234)]  [View PDF 1.15 M (1547)]


Determination of Six Isocycanates in Polymer Material by High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method with Fluorimetric Detection
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):104-108 [Abstract(2687)]  [View PDF 1.59 M (1613)]
Simultaneous Separation and Analysis of 3 Flavonoid Components in Houttuynia cordata Thunb by Column Switching Technology
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):109-112 [Abstract(4008)]  [View PDF 1.08 M (1497)]
Determination of Undecylenic Acid and Zinc Undecylenate in Cosmetics by Methyl Esterification-GC/FID Method
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):113-116 [Abstract(2693)]  [View PDF 1.34 M (1519)]
Determination of Paracetamol in Tablet by NMR
  Published 1月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(1):117-120 [Abstract(2806)]  [View PDF 1.23 M (1551)]