Volume 32,Issue 5,2013 Table of Contents

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Influences of Pyrolysis Conditions on the Major Pyrolytic Products of Asparagine
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):519-526 [Abstract(2635)]  [View PDF 3.15 M (1172)]
Composition Determination of Coal Direct Liquefaction Hydrotreated Oil by Heart-cutting Two-dimensional GC-MS
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):527-534 [Abstract(2647)]  [View PDF 2.15 M (998)]
Effect of Argon Ion Bombardment on Copper Oxide Studied by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
  李晓莉,谢方艳,龚力,张卫红,于晓龙, 陈建
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):535-540 [Abstract(3394)]  [View PDF 1.69 M (1162)]
Preparation of Graphene-based Solid Phase Microextraction Fiber and ItsDetermination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):541-546 [Abstract(2483)]  [View PDF 1.99 M (1193)]
Determination of Clenbuterol in Pork by On line Cleanup Solid Phase Extraction with Novel Strong Cation exchange Monolithic Column Coupled with Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):547-552 [Abstract(2589)]  [View PDF 1.92 M (1282)]
Detection of Exhaled Biomarkers in High Blood Glucose Subjects by Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):553-558 [Abstract(2980)]  [View PDF 1.87 M (1143)]
Study on Volatile Components of Herba Houttuyniae from Different Origins
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):559-564 [Abstract(2678)]  [View PDF 2.02 M (1107)]


Study on Analytic Condition for Labile N,N-dimethylaminomethyl Ferrocene by ESI-HRMS
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):565-569 [Abstract(2804)]  [View PDF 1.60 M (973)]
Simultaneous Determination of 7 Residual Benzene Series in Resin Crafts by Headspace Gas Chromatography
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):570-574 [Abstract(2857)]  [View PDF 1.77 M (1318)]
Determination of Six PAHs in Environmental Water Samples Using Coordination Polymer Solid Phase Extraction Followed by GC-MS
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):575-580 [Abstract(3064)]  [View PDF 1.90 M (1450)]
Preparation of A Sensor Based on Graphene Modified Electrode and Molecularly Imprinted Polymers and Its Determination on Dopamine
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):581-585 [Abstract(3513)]  [View PDF 1.56 M (1658)]
Analysis of Nonyl Phenol at Polymethylmethacrylate Graphite Composite Electrode
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):586-591 [Abstract(2845)]  [View PDF 1.79 M (1261)]
Enantiomeric Separation and Optical Purity Analysis of Eight Aromatic Alcohol by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):592-597 [Abstract(2655)]  [View PDF 1.65 M (1205)]
Enrichment and Determination of Phthalates in Environmental Water by Ultrasound Assisted Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Coupled with HPLC
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):598-603 [Abstract(2613)]  [View PDF 1.95 M (1295)]
QSAR Study of Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Peptides Based on Different Modeling Methods
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):604-608 [Abstract(2469)]  [View PDF 1.64 M (1064)]
ESI-MS/MS Detection and Verification of Sibutramine Analogues Adulterated in Slimming Products
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):609-613 [Abstract(2875)]  [View PDF 1.39 M (1140)]
A Test on the Self-assembled Films of n- and t-Dodecyl Mercaptans on Copper Surface
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):614-618 [Abstract(3065)]  [View PDF 1.61 M (1356)]
Determination of Cartap Residue in Tea Using Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):619-624 [Abstract(2513)]  [View PDF 1.94 M (1518)]


Determination of 27 Pesticide Residues in Raisins Using Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):625-629 [Abstract(3057)]  [View PDF 1.77 M (1339)]
Study on the Migration of Plasticizers in PVC Plastics into Olive Oil Under Microwave Heating Using GC-MS/MS
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):630-633 [Abstract(3786)]  [View PDF 1.34 M (1281)]
Determination of Relative Substances in Diclofenac Sodium Gel by HPLC
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):634-638 [Abstract(4191)]  [View PDF 1.70 M (1421)]
Indirect Determination of Anisaldehyde Dimethyl Acetal in the Process of Electrochemical Oxidation Synthesis by HPLC
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):639-642 [Abstract(3307)]  [View PDF 1.31 M (1347)]


Progresses on On-line Coupling Method of Sample Pretreatment with Chromatography Analysis
  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):643-652 [Abstract(3245)]  [View PDF 3.22 M (1310)]


  Published 5月 25日, 2013
  2013,32(5):Ⅰ-Ⅱ [Abstract(2742)]  [View PDF 385.40 K (1115)]