Volume 30,Issue 3,2011 Table of ContentsDownload Contents

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Investigation of Glucose/Asparagine Model System Nonaqueous Phase Maillard Reaction by Thermogravimetry-Solid Phase Microextraction/Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):233-241 [Abstract(2465)]  [View PDF 3.01 M (958)]
Study on the Content Determination of Oleuropein in Olea europaea LLeaves by Substraction of UV-Visible Spectroscopy
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):242-247 [Abstract(2458)]  [View PDF 2.06 M (1260)]
Determination of Haloacetic Acids in Drinking Water Using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Solidphase Extraction
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):248-253 [Abstract(3077)]  [View PDF 1.92 M (1171)]
Fluorescent Quench Assay of Sulfadiazine Sodium Based on Mndoped ZnS Quantum Dots
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):254-258 [Abstract(2378)]  [View PDF 1.68 M (1130)]
Temperature Induced Ionic Liquids Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction/Ultrahigh Pressure Liquid Chromatography Determination of Trace Tetracyclines Antibiotics in Environmental Water
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):259-263 [Abstract(2296)]  [View PDF 1.72 M (1307)]
Analysis of Water Buffalo Caseins in South China by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):264-268 [Abstract(3254)]  [View PDF 1.59 M (1121)]
Determination of Melamine Migration in Melamine Tableware by LC-ESI MS/MS
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):269-273 [Abstract(3200)]  [View PDF 1.55 M (1001)]
Determination of Degree of Esterification of Agave sisalana Pectin by Diffuse Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy with Wavelet Transform
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):274-278 [Abstract(2864)]  [View PDF 1.65 M (1864)]


Electrochemical Behavior and Determination of Bisphenol A at ZnO-MWCNTs Composite Modified Electrodes in the Presence of CTAB
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):279-283 [Abstract(3075)]  [View PDF 1.70 M (1062)]
Determination of Thirteen Plasticizers in Food Plastic Packaging Materials by Capillary Column Gas Chromatography
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):284-288 [Abstract(2285)]  [View PDF 1.45 M (1386)]
Study on Determination of Glucoside by Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture Detector
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):289-292 [Abstract(2570)]  [View PDF 1.38 M (1021)]
Simultaneous Determination of Three Diabetic Drugs in Urine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):293-297 [Abstract(2138)]  [View PDF 1.58 M (1094)]
Preparation of Gas Chromatography Chiral Stationary Phase Heptakis(26diOethoxyethyl3Otrifluoroacetyl)βcyclodextrin and Its Application
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):298-301 [Abstract(2275)]  [View PDF 1.28 M (925)]
Determination of Salicylic Acid by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ionic Liquids as Mobile Phase Additives
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):302-306 [Abstract(2948)]  [View PDF 1.97 M (1223)]
Determination of Tulathromycin in Pork Tissues by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):307-311 [Abstract(2589)]  [View PDF 1.53 M (1356)]
Determination of Tebufenozide,Aldicarb,Aldicarbsulfoxide andAldicarbsulfone in Scallion Using Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):312-315 [Abstract(3061)]  [View PDF 1.40 M (1081)]
Determination of Pyrethroid Residue in Beef by GC-MS
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):316-320 [Abstract(2748)]  [View PDF 1.67 M (1182)]
Determination of Chlormequat and Mepiquat Residues in Food by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):321-325 [Abstract(2553)]  [View PDF 1.73 M (1086)]
Determination of 23 Organophosphorous Pesticide Residues in Water Using Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Coupled with Gas Chromatography
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):326-329 [Abstract(2829)]  [View PDF 1.43 M (1184)]
Preparation of High Homogeneity Polypropylene/Carbon Black Films and Quantitative Characterization on Carbon Black Dispersion
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):330-335 [Abstract(2456)]  [View PDF 1.88 M (1090)]


Genotyping of STR Locus Based on Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and Support Vector Machine
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):336-339 [Abstract(2366)]  [View PDF 1.24 M (889)]
Determination of Dopamine Based on Acridine Orange-Graphene Oxide Fluorescence Quenching Method
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):340-343 [Abstract(2678)]  [View PDF 1.23 M (896)]
Simultaneous Determination of 14 Organochlorine Pesticides in Starch by MAE/GC Method
  Published 3月 25日, 2011
  2011,30(3):344-346 [Abstract(2222)]  [View PDF 1.57 M (975)]