Volume 31,Issue 3,2012 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  


Molecular Structure-affinity Relationship of Dietary Flavonoids with Bovine Serum Albumin
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):241-246 [Abstract(2796)]  [View PDF 1.81 M (1055)]
Study of Cell Toxicity of Dauricine on Daudi Cells Based on Atomic Force Microscope
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):247-245 [Abstract(3035)]  [View PDF 2.82 M (1175)]
Characteristics Identification of Neutral Constituents in Cigarette Particulate Matter by GC×GC-TOF MS
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):255-260 [Abstract(2688)]  [View PDF 1.93 M (1227)]
Determination of 24 Allergens in Suspicious Cosmetics by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):261-266 [Abstract(3796)]  [View PDF 1.78 M (1302)]
Investigation on Electrochemical Behavior of Interaction between Salvianolic Acid B and Bovine Serum Albumin at DNA Modified Electrode
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):267-272 [Abstract(2675)]  [View PDF 1.69 M (1107)]
Electrocatalytic Oxidation and Determination of 4-n-Nonylphenol Based on Gold Nanoparticles/Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):273-277 [Abstract(3099)]  [View PDF 1.55 M (1148)]
Determination of Nine Phthalic Acid Esters in Tilapia by Solid Phase Extraction Coupled with High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):278-283 [Abstract(3481)]  [View PDF 1.79 M (1553)]


Determination of Acetaminophen,Caffeine and Chlorphenamine Maleate in Compound Paracetamol and Amantadine Hydrochloride Capsules by Sweeping-MEKC Method
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):284-289 [Abstract(2897)]  [View PDF 1.73 M (1486)]
Comparison of Pretreatment Methods of β-Agonists Residues in Pig Liver and Their Simultaneous Determination
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):290-295 [Abstract(3052)]  [View PDF 2.15 M (1033)]
Preparation and Certification of A Certified Reference Material Allure Red Solution and Its Uncertainty Evaluation
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):296-301 [Abstract(2735)]  [View PDF 1.89 M (1364)]
Study on Simultaneous Extraction of Fluoroquinolones(FQs) and Tetracyclines(TCs) in Manure
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):302-306 [Abstract(2547)]  [View PDF 1.58 M (1066)]
Separation of Three Single Phosporic Acidic Adenosines by a Nonaqueous Capillary Electrophoresis Method and Its Application
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):307-311 [Abstract(2380)]  [View PDF 1.52 M (1091)]
Study on the Interaction of T(4Mop)PS4 with BSA
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):312-316 [Abstract(2920)]  [View PDF 1.56 M (980)]
Determination of 8 Phthalate Esters in Liquid Cosmetics Using Solid-phase Microextraction/Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):317-321 [Abstract(2749)]  [View PDF 1.48 M (1055)]
A Novel Fluorimetric Method for the Determination of Berberine Hydrochloride
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):322-326 [Abstract(2670)]  [View PDF 1.39 M (1217)]
Measurement on Hydrate Products Crystallinity Degrees of Autoclaved Silicate Products
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):327-331 [Abstract(2359)]  [View PDF 1.65 M (1128)]
Electrochemiluminescence Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide in Leersia hexandra Swartz Extracting Juice via Magnetic Quantum Dots
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):332-336 [Abstract(3107)]  [View PDF 1.58 M (1184)]
A Novel Effective Industry Dyes Infectant Trapper Derived from the Porous Silica Coated with Hydrotalcite Gel
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):337-342 [Abstract(2563)]  [View PDF 1.82 M (911)]
Quantitative Analysis Method of Artificial Neural Network Near Infrared Spectroscopy Based on Fast Fourier Transform
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):343-346 [Abstract(3136)]  [View PDF 1.17 M (1217)]
Determination of N-Acyl-homoserine Lactones Signal Molecules by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):347-350 [Abstract(2686)]  [View PDF 1.23 M (1196)]


Simultaneous Determination of Alkenylbenzenes and Other Flavor-related Compounds in Tobacco Additives by Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Micro-extraction and GC-MS
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):351-354 [Abstract(2707)]  [View PDF 1.48 M (1169)]
Determination of L-Carnitine in Infant Formula Milk Powder by High-performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):355-358 [Abstract(4717)]  [View PDF 1.15 M (2116)]


Research Progress of Electrochemical Biosensor for Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Detection
  Published 3月 25日, 2012
  2012,31(3):359-364 [Abstract(2500)]  [View PDF 2.17 M (1181)]