Volume 36,Issue 2,2017 Table of Contents

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Direct Mass Spectrometry Techniques and Their Applications in Tissue Samples Analysis
  LU Hai-yan,ZHANG Hua,XIAO Yi-po,LI Yi, GU Hai-wei,CHEN Huan-wen*
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):152-160 [Abstract(2086)]  [View PDF 3.85 M (1150)]
Advance in Metabolomics Based on Mass Spectrometry
  REN Xiang-nan,LIANG Qiong-lin*
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):161-169 [Abstract(2770)]  [View PDF 794.23 K (1596)]
Application of MALDI MSI in Lipidomics Research
  LI Shi-lei,ZHANG Yang-yang,GUAN Ming,YANG Hui,WEI Yan-bo,ZHAO Zhen-wen*
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):170-177 [Abstract(3057)]  [View PDF 3.25 M (1223)]
Investigation on Tissue Sample Stability by Ambient Mass Spectrometry Imaging Method
  LUO Zhi-gang,HE Jing-jing,HE Jiu-ming,ABLIZ Zeper*
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):178-183 [Abstract(2147)]  [View PDF 5.29 M (937)]
Recent Advances of Microfluidic Technology Coupled with Mass Spectrometry in Cell Analysis
  LIN Xue-xia,LIU Bin,SUN Xiang-ying,LIN Jin-ming*
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):184-189 [Abstract(2108)]  [View PDF 12.25 M (1041)]
Separation and Characterization of Solid Phase Synthesized Enkephalins by LC-MS/MS
  NAO Gan,JIN Yu-long*,HUANG Yan-yan,ZHAO Rui*
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):190-195 [Abstract(2191)]  [View PDF 1.00 M (1094)]
Investigation of Noncovalent Complexions of Amino Acids and Phosphoric Acid by Electrospray Mass Spectrometry
  WANG Yi-yun,REN Juan,LI Shu-qi,KONG Xiang-lei*
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):196-200 [Abstract(2063)]  [View PDF 1.52 M (955)]
Research Progress on Application of Organic Mass Spectrometry in Structural Analysis of Antibody Drugs
  ZHAO Yong-qiang,LIU Feng,SANG Zhi-hong,LI Mei,WANG Na,HE Kun*
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):201-204 [Abstract(1998)]  [View PDF 403.49 K (913)]


Analysis and Comparison on Fragmentation Behavior of Quercetin and Morin by ESI-MS
  YIN Zhi-hui,SUN Chang-hai,FANG Hong-zhuang*
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):205-211 [Abstract(2325)]  [View PDF 4.48 M (1048)]
Rapid and Simultaneous Determination of Seven Active Components in Compound Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bunge Tablets by Flow Rate/Organic Solvent Double-gradient High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  SU Cao-yin,YU Nuo-jun,WU Hong-xing,ZHENG Ai-ni,LI Ning*
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):212-217 [Abstract(2237)]  [View PDF 881.75 K (1006)]
Determination of 46 Antibiotics Residues in Organic Fertilizer by UPLC-MS/MS with QuEChERS Combined with Column Purification
  WANG Jian-mei,LIU Yan-ping,CHEN Jing,WU Hui-zhen,XIA Wei,LI Zu-guang,QIAN Ming-rong*
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):218-223 [Abstract(2366)]  [View PDF 934.04 K (1027)]
A New Descriptor for Amino Acids and Its Applications in Peptide QSAR
  TONG Jian-bo*,LI Kang-nan,WU Ying-ji,ZHAN Pei,LI Ling-xiao
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):224-229 [Abstract(2030)]  [View PDF 777.94 K (921)]
Synthesis of a Strong Anion-exchange Resin and Its Application in Enrichment and Determination of Quinolone Drugs in Honey
  ZHANG Tian-li,HU Ping,QU Fang-hui,WANG Yue-rong*,ZHANG Hong-yang*
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):230-235 [Abstract(2022)]  [View PDF 1.74 M (915)]


Determination of Bisphenol A in Milk Sample Using Magnetic Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Solid-phase Extraction Combined with High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  QIU Xiu-zhen*,HUANG Zhi-wei,ZHU Hui-juan,JIAO Lin-juan
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):236-241 [Abstract(2068)]  [View PDF 2.33 M (1189)]
Enantiomeric Separation of Raw Material and Intermediate of Cinacalcet Using Chiral Mobile Phase Additives
  YAO Yan-yun,SUN Kong-chun,WANG Yong-xi,YANG Qian,WANG Le,CHEN Xi-long,SHEN Bao-chun*
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):242-246 [Abstract(2207)]  [View PDF 571.66 K (958)]
Determination of Ractopamine in Pork Using CuNPs/PAA/GR Nanocomposites Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode
  ZHANG Cui-zhong ,ZHANG Zhen-fa,LIAN Huan,LIANG Cai-yun,LI Kai,PENG Jin-yun*
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):247-251 [Abstract(2115)]  [View PDF 1.79 M (1048)]
Determination of Polychlorinated Naphthalenes(PCNs) in Groundwater by GC-MS
  LI Ning,ZHANG Hong-qing,RAO Zhu*,XU Dan-dan,GU Zi-xin
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):252-256 [Abstract(2162)]  [View PDF 1.08 M (1028)]
Determination of Anti-impotence Pharmaceutical Components in Dietary Supplements by 1H qNMR
  ZHANG Zhi-qiang*,WANG Li-juan,AN Dong-ge,TU Guang-zhong,ZHAO Yang
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):257-261 [Abstract(2284)]  [View PDF 781.15 K (997)]
Determination of N-Methyl-o-phenylenediamine in Telmisartan by HPLC-QTRAP-MS/MS
  ZHOU Chang-peng*,WANG Dong-wu,XU Jie,ZHENG Wen-feng,LIANG Xiao-yan
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):262-266 [Abstract(2295)]  [View PDF 670.10 K (967)]
Determination of 5 Resin Acids in Food Contact Adhesives by HPLC
  WANG Le*,ZHENG Xin-hua,XIANG Hai-bo,CHEN Xi,ZHANG Ai-xia
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):267-271 [Abstract(2061)]  [View PDF 944.81 K (971)]


Determination of Tetracyclines Residues in Pork by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry with Modified QuEChERS Sample Pretreatment
  WANG Fei*,MI Jie-bo,LI Shu-jing,CHEN Qi-yong,WU Hua
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):272-275 [Abstract(2510)]  [View PDF 634.17 K (1104)]
Simultaneous Determination of Bisdemethoxycurcumin,Demethoxycurcumin and Curcumin in Fish Tissues by UPLC
  LIU Yong-tao,LI Le,Wang Sai-sai,YU Lin-xue,YANG Qiu-hong,YANG Yi-bin,AI Xiao-hui*
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):276-279 [Abstract(2049)]  [View PDF 477.14 K (937)]
Determination of Acrylamide in Rice Product by Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion(MSPD)-Capillary Electrophoresis
  YIN Bin,WU You-yi*,ZHOU Zhen-hua,ZHOU Jing-wen
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):280-283 [Abstract(2091)]  [View PDF 532.44 K (963)]
Study on Ascorbic Acid Signal Enhancement for Hg Determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
  DUAN Jian-kun,FANG Hui-wen*,ZHAO Yang-yang
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):284-287 [Abstract(2265)]  [View PDF 510.10 K (919)]


Nano Sensors for Oxygen Based on Ratiometric Fluorescence
  ZHAO Ting-ting,LU Si-si,ZHAO Li,YAO Qiu-hong,CHEN Xi*
  Published 2月 25日, 2017
  2017,36(2):288-296 [Abstract(2369)]  [View PDF 6.03 M (1129)]