Volume 30,Issue 2,2011 Table of Contents

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  王进; 岳永德; 汤锋; 林旭
  2011,30(2) [Abstract(2837)]  [View PDF 1.92 M (1009)]


  陶艳玲; 邓爱妮; 郑惠彬; 郭智勇; 王邃
  2011,30(2) [Abstract(2352)]  [View PDF 1.60 M (1025)]


  杨利峰; 王群英; 张随成; 胡圣虹
  2011,30(2) [Abstract(2906)]  [View PDF 1.55 M (793)]


  吕庆; 张庆; 康苏媛; 白桦; 王超
  2011,30(2) [Abstract(3138)]  [View PDF 1.62 M (1036)]
  陈新; 田志壮; 刘瑛; 黄尧; 曹玉华
  2011,30(2) [Abstract(2351)]  [View PDF 1.32 M (1006)]


  孙明忠; 杨帆; 侯志杰; 郭春梅; 郭一萌; 刘淑清
  2011,30(2) [Abstract(2975)]  [View PDF 2.04 M (894)]


Detection of Potassium Ion Based on Conformational Change of Aptamer and Fluorescent Probe Thiazole Orange
  GAO Shuli,XU Hui,JU Jing,DI Xiang,ZHAO Xiaomei,LIU Quanwen
  2011,30(2):115-120 [Abstract(2406)]  [View PDF 1.90 M (1027)]
Analysis of Curcumin Toxicity on Human Hepatoma HepG2 Cells
  WANG Mu1,RUAN Yuxia2,PENG Yuan1,CHEN Wei1,CAI Jiye1
  2011,30(2):121-127 [Abstract(2030)]  [View PDF 2.60 M (944)]
Determination of 6 Plant Growth Retardants in Fruits and Vegetables by HPLC-MS/MS
  WANG Jingjing1,LU Yi2,YANG Tao2,ZHANG Huangtao2,WANG Jide1
  2011,30(2):128-134 [Abstract(2257)]  [View PDF 1.99 M (1335)]
Preparation and Characteristics of Nickel(Ⅱ) Ionimprinted Polymer
  YANG Lifeng1,WANG Qunying1,ZHANG Suicheng2,HU Shenghong2
  2011,30(2):135-139 [Abstract(2995)]  [View PDF 1.55 M (1137)]
Study on Reaction Mechanism and Their Structure-Activity Relationship between Three Amphetamines and Lysozyme
  ZHANG Aiping,HUANG Qian,HAO Juan,WEN Wen,GAO Xiaoya
  2011,30(2):140-145 [Abstract(2116)]  [View PDF 1.86 M (883)]
Detection and Identification of Differentially Expressed Proteins of HaCaT Cells Responding to 2,4Dinitrobenzene Sulfonic Acid Stimulation Using 2DDIGE Coupled to HPLC-nESI MS/MS
  SUN Mingzhong1,YANG Fan2,HOU Zhijie1,2,GUO Chunmei1,2,GUO Yimeng1,2,LIU Shuqing2
  2011,30(2):146-151 [Abstract(2055)]  [View PDF 2.04 M (780)]
Simultaneous Determination of 65 Polychlorinated Biphenyls,Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Organochlorine Pesticides in Marine Sediments by GC-MS with Accelerated Solvent Extraction
  HE Xingliang1,2,3,XIA Ning1,2,ZHANG Yuanyuan2,WANG Jiangtao3
  2011,30(2):152-160 [Abstract(2172)]  [View PDF 2.76 M (1054)]


Simultaneous Determination of 40 Pesticides Residue in Bamboo Shoots by GC-MS Method with Solid Phase Extraction
  WANG Jin,YUE Yongde,TANG Feng,LIN Xu
  2011,30(2):161-166 [Abstract(2178)]  [View PDF 1.92 M (964)]
Separation of Polyacrylic Acid and Determination of Its Relative Molecular Mass by Gel Permeation Chromatography
  DU Xiaodi,ZHANG Anfu,LEI Jiaheng,WU Hui
  2011,30(2):167-170 [Abstract(2471)]  [View PDF 1.31 M (1012)]
Determination of 5 Volatile Organic Compounds in Coatings by Headspace Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  L Qing, ZHANG Qing, KANG Suyuan, BAI Hua, WANG Chao
  2011,30(2):171-175 [Abstract(2434)]  [View PDF 1.62 M (913)]
Analysis of NDesalkalated Metabolites of Atrazine in Urine by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry with tButyldimethylsilyl Derivatization
  QI Baokun1,ZHU Yu1 ,WANG Guoqiang2 ,TAN Jiayi1
  2011,30(2):176-180 [Abstract(2135)]  [View PDF 1.58 M (953)]
Electrocatalysis Properties of Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified with Polylamotrigine and Its Electrochemical Behavior
  WANG Honghai1,SHI Guanghui1,ZHU Aimei1,HU Yinyue2,ZHANG Li2,WANG Chengyin2
  2011,30(2):181-185 [Abstract(2357)]  [View PDF 1.58 M (889)]
Study on Method of Determination of Four Plant Growth Regulater Residues in Watermelons
  LU Yimin1,2,YI Guobin1 ,CHEN Chuangbin2,CAI Jinliang2,DU Binyang2,CHEN Ruzhu2
  2011,30(2):186-189 [Abstract(2274)]  [View PDF 1.36 M (1376)]
Evaluation of Quality Parameters in Fuling Mustard Tuber by Fourier Transform Near Infrared Spectroscopy
  LIU Bing1,LIU Zhenyao1,ZHU Qianhua2,YANG Jidong1,2
  2011,30(2):190-193 [Abstract(2180)]  [View PDF 1.45 M (963)]
Determination of Trace Hg in Tobacco by Teflon AF2400 Tube Cold Vapor Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry
  YANG Qinghua,GAN Wuer,SUN Huihui
  2011,30(2):191-202 [Abstract(2055)]  [View PDF 1.34 M (935)]
Determination of Cd Ion in Environmental Water Sample by Sorption Extraction Stir Bar Based on Monolithic Material
  TAO Yanling,DENG Aini,ZHENG Huibin,GUO Zhiyong,WANG Sui
  2011,30(2):194-198 [Abstract(1958)]  [View PDF 1.60 M (838)]
Analysis of Corticosteroids in Cosmetics by Reversed Microemulsion Electrokinetic Chromatography with 1Butyl3methylimizolium Tetrafluoborate Ionic Liquid as Additive
  CHEN Xin1,TIAN Zhizhuang2,LIU Ying1,HUANG Yao1,CAO Yuhua1
  2011,30(2):203-206 [Abstract(1979)]  [View PDF 1.32 M (915)]
Preparation and Characterization of a Mercury(Ⅱ)selective Polymeric Membrane Electrode
  ZHANG Jun1,2,ZHAO Yueqian1,DING Jiawang1,QIN Wei1
  2011,30(2):207-212 [Abstract(2019)]  [View PDF 1.78 M (976)]
Determination of Amount of the Flumetralin in Total Particulate Matter of Mainstream Cigarette Smoke
  WU Na1,2 ,YAO Jianhua1,YE Yanqing2,HUANG Haitao 1,MI Qili1
  2011,30(2):213-217 [Abstract(2283)]  [View PDF 1.75 M (1034)]
Determination of Selenium in Black Peanut by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
  GONG Qiaojuan,YANG Haiying
  2011,30(2):218-221 [Abstract(3372)]  [View PDF 1.29 M (935)]


Simultaneous Determination of Vanillin and oVanillin by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  JIN Haitao,MA Jianyu,WANG Xiaoxun,CHEN Xing,REN Liyan,GUAN Jin,LI Yun
  2011,30(2):222-224 [Abstract(2557)]  [View PDF 914.76 K (970)]
Determination of Buddleoside by Capillary Electrophoresis
  HUANG Baomei1,YAO Chengwei2,MO Jinyuan3
  2011,30(2):225-228 [Abstract(2299)]  [View PDF 1.24 M (842)]
Determination of Al,Si,V in Residual Fuel Oil by DUO/ICP-AES with Microwave Ashing Technology
  WU Xufeng,ZHANG Haifeng,CAO Xiaoyan,ZHONG Zhiguang
  2011,30(2):229-232 [Abstract(2527)]  [View PDF 1.13 M (835)]