Volume 41,Issue 12,2022 Table of Contents

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Determination of Trace Chlorine Pollutants in Oil-bearing Metal Raw Materials by Gas Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry with Solid Phase Extraction-Response Surface Optimized Carbon Skeleton Online Catalysis
  ZHANG Zi-hao,ZHENG Jian-guo,MAI Xiao-xia,XIAO Qian,PENG Su-biao,LIU Ying-feng,LI Dan
  2022,41(12):1713-1721 [Abstract(737)]  [View PDF 6.56 M (908)]
Study on Timing Difference of Goat Milk MFGM Protein in Lactation Period Based on Ultrahigh Performance Liquid Chromatography-Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry
  ZHANG Rong,JIA Wei
  2022,41(12):1722-1728 [Abstract(819)]  [View PDF 5.83 M (765)]
Qualitative Non-targeted Screening of 79 Drug Residues in Pork by Ultra-performance Liquid Chromatography Quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry
  LIU Jia,WANG Jian-feng,GAO Li-juan,WANG Qiu-shui,FENG Yue-chao,LIU Yan,DING Qi,WANG Ying,SHAO Peng
  2022,41(12):1729-1737 [Abstract(633)]  [View PDF 10.45 M (765)]
Determination of Endogenous Amino Acids and Taurine in Honey by Ultra-performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry with AQC Pre-column Derivation
  LU Lan-xiang,ZHENG Hong,WU Chuan-xiang,WEI Li-li,DING Yi,WANG Jun,ZHU Jian-hua,LIU Yan-ming,XUE Xia
  2022,41(12):1738-1745 [Abstract(613)]  [View PDF 1.61 M (982)]
Simultaneous Determination of 4 Antibiotics in Children’s Cosmetics by Ultra-performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry with Solid Phase Extraction
  WANG Yi,NIE Ming-xia,JIA Fang,LIANG Wen-yao,LI Xin-yu,WEN Jia-lin,XIA Ze-min,TAN Jian-hua
  2022,41(12):1746-1750 [Abstract(640)]  [View PDF 1.36 M (845)]
Simultaneous Determination of 37 Kinds of Prohibited Veterinary Drug Residues in Aquacultural “Non-pharmaceutical” Inputs by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry with Solid Phase Extraction
  ZHANG Wei,XIAO Man,WU Dan,HUANG Hao-peng,XU Yuan-yuan,ZHANG Bing,ZHONG Shi-hua
  2022,41(12):1751-1757 [Abstract(706)]  [View PDF 1.44 M (756)]
Study on Screening of 35 Volatile Allergic Fragrances in New Mosquito Repellent Products and Their Volatilization Patterns
  LI Hong-yan,HU Yu-xia,LI Chang-yu,WANG Jin
  2022,41(12):1758-1764 [Abstract(900)]  [View PDF 2.02 M (417)]
Investigation on Degradation of Dicofol in Gas Chromatography System
  QIAN Zhen-jie,WANG Yu,ZHAO Jin-li,WANG Cheng-long,HUANG Song,TAN Jin-ping,HUANG Xiao-qing,LIN Ze-shan,LIU Jia
  2022,41(12):1765-1772 [Abstract(675)]  [View PDF 3.58 M (967)]
Determination of 17 Neonicotinoid Pesticides and Their Metabolites in Baby Fruit and Vegetable Rice Flour by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  GUO Li-qiang,LIU Yong-qiang,WANG Le,LI Kai,XU Xiao-jie
  2022,41(12):1773-1778 [Abstract(643)]  [View PDF 2.98 M (748)]
Determination of 11 Anabolic Androgenic Steroids in Compound Feeds by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  WANG Bo,ZHANG Jing,GONG Song-song,ZHANG Hao-ran,XU Ting,CHEN Si-si,WU Jian-ping,YAN Feng
  2022,41(12):1779-1784 [Abstract(539)]  [View PDF 1.14 M (709)]


Detection of NF-κB p50 Using a Biosensing Platform Based on In Situ Nanozyme on PbTiO3 Surface
  CHEN Yan-ru,ZHANG Lan,WANG Guang-li
  2022,41(12):1785-1792 [Abstract(627)]  [View PDF 15.03 M (586)]
Determination of 50 Common Pesticide Residues in Golden Siraitia Grosvenoriis by QuEChERS and High Performance Liqiud Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  LI Chun,CHEN Jun-fei,XIONG Ying,XIE Si-min,GU Li-hong
  2022,41(12):1793-1799 [Abstract(701)]  [View PDF 1.01 M (762)]
Preparation of a Covalent Organic Framework TpBD-(NH2)2-D-(-)-α-phenylglycine and Its Application Used as Chiral Stationary Phase for High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  LAI Ya-lin,YU Zi-yun,QIN Gai-zhao,YUAN Li-ming
  2022,41(12):1800-1807 [Abstract(733)]  [View PDF 9.20 M (938)]
Rapid Identification of Picric Acid in Explosion Cases by Gas Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
  WAN Yi-fu,YANG Rui-qin,ZHANG Guan-nan,XU Ruo-lun
  2022,41(12):1808-1814 [Abstract(777)]  [View PDF 1.62 M (961)]
Determination of Oxalic Acid in Urine Using an Electrochemical Alloy-Dealloying Prepared Platinum Nanoparticles Modified Electrode
  SU Min,WANG Huan-huan,GUO Yu-hong,JIN Jun,YU Hao
  2022,41(12):1815-1821 [Abstract(646)]  [View PDF 8.51 M (753)]
Optimization of Measuring Methods for Methane Clumped Isotopologues 12CH2D2
  LU Li,WANG Xin-chu,LI Si-liang,PANG Zhi-yong
  2022,41(12):1822-1826 [Abstract(1198)]  [View PDF 1.88 M (883)]


Progresses in Magnetic Lateral Flow Assay for Rapid Detection of Food Contaminants
  ZHAI Wen-lei,HAN Chen-rui,WEI Di-zhe,XIAO Zhi-yong,KONG Cong,WANG Meng
  2022,41(12):1827-1836 [Abstract(1175)]  [View PDF 10.20 M (584)]